I have a question + DQM demo?

Posted by Taizen Chisou on July 30, 2012, 1:42 p.m.

How do I make one-way platforms that work

This seems like a relatively simple GM platformer concept that I cannot for the life of me put together correctly :V

The third boss is done and all:

But there are lots of top-solid-only platforms in the sector it's in and the one before it and every time you jump part of the way into one you'd either get stuck, or the game would push you up on top of the platform and not register you as having jumped, so you'd probably get stuck there.

If you wanted to play the game, by the way, a really really rough around the edges version can be found here.

(Arrows to move, Z is attack, X to dash, Space to reset)

How to fix this?


Charlie Carlo 12 years, 6 months ago

I did this successfully once. The way I worked it was the platform was always solid, but if the player had a vertical speed that was negative, the player object would force itself through the platform step by step. Like, if there's a platform here, and I'm going up, jump to up. The player would land on the other side like a normal block, and if you press down the character would be forced through the platform like quicksand.

It made for some awkward moments though, like you could jump higher, potentially, if you hit a movethroughable platform at the end of your jump. Also, weird shit happened when you tried to go through one with another one straight below it. Basically, the whole thing was pretty fucked and don't try it.

Edit: This video is fucking epic. I don't know why you waste your time with sidescrolling shooters and RPGs when clearly platformers are your strongsuit.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 6 months ago

Like quicksand, haha

My platforms now work like reverse quicksand

If you're moving upward at the time of collision with them, they'll suck you in and force you through the top of them

I don't know why you waste your time with sidescrolling shooters and RPGs when clearly platformers are your strongsuit.

…They are?