Soundcloud and updates

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Aug. 26, 2012, 3:51 a.m.

check it

I've added some Lunacy Star 2 stuff, Dungeon Quest Man stuff, and also I dug through my flash drive for anything else that's really old, like Black and White.

I have been very busy. Is it legal for someone to be this busy? It shouldn't be. Apart from work and school routinely eating 70 hours out of my week, I also have lots of homework to do. But that's to be expected, college and all. I think I like college better than high school, really. It really points out that they still treat you like children in high school >->;

So that's a little under 100 hours left for me each week to do things like sleep and stave off starvation. That's a little under 14 hours per day, for those of you keeping count.

Subtracting sleep, I still get six hours a day with which I can… commute back and forth between home, work, school, and the store.

I think the real highlight here is that I waited out the latter half of my break at work today in my car and wound up passing out. They sent me home.

Today was my nephew's second birthday. Kid has the funniest reactions to everything ever.

> Tears off wrapping, opens box excitedly

> *it's clothes*

> very slowly closes box

> slides it away and moves on

I had to go to work in the middle of present opening, though.

Apparently people at work thought I was like, 19, or 20 or something.

"You're 16? Holy craaaap"

They keep drawing blanks when I ask them what exactly it is that makes look like such an old beyotch :3


Oh, right, it's 3:40.

I wonder if all this insomnia is going to affect my performance in school.

Well, I might as well lie down and stare at the ceiling again.


Quietus 12 years, 6 months ago

omg the first song is in 5/4 :D no one uses odd meters here i swear lmao. actually, you play with rhythm in a lot of interesting ways, i love the propulsive 3 beat in Denary Sector. Unsanctuary sounds awesome too!

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 6 months ago

Nonstandard meters are something I fall back on when I get tired of composing in 4/4 or 3/4.

Radical Shotgun Legends, for instance, is in 7/4 :V

I would hope Unsanctuary's pretty cool, because it's the theme for practically everything I make :D

Thanks for listening, it means a lot~

JuurianChi 12 years, 6 months ago

They keep drawing blanks when I ask them what exactly it is that makes look like such an old beyotch :3

Well, from what I've seen. You're size could be a factor.

You're also asian, but if you have a deep voice that could confuse a lot of people.

And then there's your girth- or lack of it. It's confusing.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 6 months ago

Well, from what I've seen. You're size could be a factor.

You're also asian, but if you have a deep voice that could confuse a lot of people.

And then there's your girth- or lack of it. It's confusing.

6'1", 215 pounds. I suppose it's a little worse when I neglect to shave, what with people asking me for things like cigarettes and cocaine.

>I'm 16.

"Oh shit really? Damn"

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 5 months ago

I hope you don't actually ask them "What exactly makes me look like such an old beyotch?", because I'm fairly certain, in most cultures, saying "beyotch" is an invitation to slap you across the face.

But yeah, it's probably you are tallness.