my dollars are ablaze

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Sept. 5, 2012, 4:36 p.m.

~Taizen Chisou's Expenses For The Month of August~

$ 105 - Replacement radiator for a 13 year old car with 231k miles

$ 195 - A shiny piece of plastic that magically waives all parking fees at my university, except for

$ 40 - parking tickets, because the first space on the ramp on the commuter floor still registers as faculty parking

$ 141 - Constantly going to lunch with friends harboring expensive tastes, although this IS to avert having to eat school food

$ 261 - A college textbook containing maths i don't understand

$ 119 - A college textbook filled to the brim with pretty pictures of naked people that we'll have to memorize sooner or later


$ 38 - Parking in the conveniently expensive building that is next to most of my classes, because that aforementioned parking pass got left in my mother's truck for a while

$ 10 - Parking decals for my high school, two for some reason

$ 257 - Apparently money that fell into the abyss because transferring my paycheck from my work card caused this balance to appear on it

The fact that I'm not in the red confounds me.

I was going to tack on the eventual donations to Hel ($40) and the first half of my S4D contribution ($63, second half 19 Sep.), but it's not August anymore.


Rob 12 years, 5 months ago

Tho, I've heard it's even worse in Norway tho they pump their own oil. We have it shipped here.

Yeah, but their average wage is, what, triple yours?

firestormx 12 years, 5 months ago

This is why I'm glad I bike. Next summer I'm aiming to bike from uni to my home 100 miles away.
It's not difficult, ESPECIALLY if you have a road bike. You could do that in a few hours if you aren't riding a mountain/cross country/downhill bike.

Even faster if you're riding a BMX, because I've heard you can just grab onto cars with those things. =3

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago


There are no buses in my town. At least, none that stretch as far as my house, which is on the last street of civilization here, because east of it is almost nothing but grass. The nearest bus stop is 4 miles away :V

I will consider taking your advice on eating at home, though, even if that entails buying groceries because there's nothing to cook here.

The lack of things in Oklahoma means that we get to expand a little bit TOO far to make bike travel very feasible.

I'm whining about gas prices mainly because I can, and only make like 450 dollars a month :V

Kamira 12 years, 5 months ago

$ 141 - Constantly going to lunch with friends harboring expensive tastes, although this IS to avert having to eat school food

Food at Baylor is amazing. We have 3, soon to be 4, great dining halls.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago

Oh, no. I'm a high school student. I'm referring to the cafeteria food there. It's all whole grain gluten free baked shit.

It somehow manages to simultaneously be that, and incredibly cheap and gross.

At OU, I'm aware of a Chick-Fil-A, Wendy's, chinese place, Sbarro's, Quizno's, Starbucks, and a few other places. There doesn't seem to be any more than the one food place, though.

Visor 12 years, 5 months ago

The food at my tech's cafeteria is similar, only that here it's incredibly expensive and incredibly gross. $3.40 NZD for a crummy mince pie which tastes like its been reheated 5 or 6 times.

And O_O at the 231k miles your car has done. What make/model of car is it?

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago

Quote: Comment 05
I drive a Toyota Solara from 1999

Is 231,000 a lot or something?

Castypher 12 years, 5 months ago

A lot of cars keel over somewhere between 150k and 200k.

But Toyota and Honda are both reliable brands that can go very far over standard mileage limits. I've got a '98 Honda Accord sitting at 210k right now, and it still drives great except for the fact that I just had to change out the rotors because my sister doesn't know how to drive.

Visor 12 years, 5 months ago

Yeah what Kilin said. If I were you I'd think about getting a new car. She ain't got long =p

firestormx 12 years, 5 months ago

No need! My family makes great cars. Even though the actual family that started Toyota is actually Toyoda