Story time!So, I've been circulating ideas for something I'd never make- at least in game form anyway.New EsthersonYou , Insert Name Here, are dropped off into an anarchic state with about 240 other people between the ages of 14 to 30. Good luck.The girl on the lefts' name is Suzetta Frost, and the one on the right is Isaac Steele.Other names in the game include Alban Ginestri, Ferre Lei, Shanta Ann-Marie, Lorelei Amaretto, Taoya Matsuka, Carson Grant, Price Hearst.All these people all maintain different alliances and ideals and plans, and your choices affect what happens.Suzetta tries to instill order and law and establishes a refuge for others who feel the same. Isaac thinks he can get out of this if he kills everyone else. Lorelei establishes a police force and uses it to command the city, while Taoya builds a more guerrilla-style army.You can go different places whenever and encounter different people and things in diffrent places and accept requests / missions / demands from them.Sound like fun? Too bad, it's a comic book now.I've split the plot points across five acts, and about 230 pages. This is a conservative estimate. The last book I made I estimated would end at 150, and was more in line to end at 250.I'll be sure to post them here if people are interested, though. But until then, I don't think my peoples can refer to the main man as "Hey, you!"
How about Bunga? As in "Cowabunga, dude!". First thing I thought of when you mentioned the word geronimo. lol
I love that name.Boo boo.
Yeah alright Charlie, I stole that name from Diablo II.
How about Tyreal?Mephisto.
Olrac Eilrahc
Goh RaggedYugg PrommNeziat UosihcRal SemagTake your pickToast - you spelled Goh Reggad wrong.
@sirXemic no
DaggerHog - you spelled DeggarHog wrong