A most excellent week!

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Jan. 20, 2013, 11:29 a.m.

Ha. Ahahahaha.

I lied.

Work has been crap, school has been crap, personal life has been crap, so I'm going to talk about other things.

(I imagine that sooner or later Chaos Weapon will dwarf the remainder of the folder)

(500 MB+ is looking quite likely at this point hahaha)

I've not been able to compose a good work in… probably months now. Today's the one-year anniversary of my struggle to finish the Lunacy Star 2 soundtrack! Yaaay!

Chaos Weapon's OST is running up two years, but Ben has the whole '1.5 year hiatus' thing to work around.

And… well, since most of DQM is re-used material, then I guess I've been working on that for almost three! :V

But anyway.

I'm surprised my games are getting as large, but eh.

I remember being 10 years old and flipping the shit out the moment one of my games broke 3 MB.

So, crap, then!

I ended up failing out of college rendering myself unable to continue attending college as a high school student, mainly due to some idiotic requirements that they have for high school seniors, such as "do good in school." And, well, since that's not quite my forte, I had no choice but to drop them and to stack my class list with second-semester-senior filler.

Like Art 1.

I'll be posting a blog at the turn of the nine weeks showcasing all the crap that we've done in Art, and you will all hate it.

It's official, my job at the wonderful principality of McDonalds has become 'teaching people how to suck less.'

It's incredibly difficult, because we get new people every other day and our best minds keep leaving us for other, less shitty jobs.

Oh, yeah, maybe the stunning regularity of there being three people working in the store for the dinner rush might have something to do with it.

I love nothing more than taking orders on the front counter and the drive thru at the same time, while bagging food and making drinks and ice cream. All at the same time. At least I'm getting paid a whole 7.60 an hour! :V

After one day, I pleaded to a friend of mine to lend me a cigarette. It did well to relax my nerves (I was shaking and near-vomiting because 8 hour shifts without breaks and small lunch beforehand), but I was cottonmouthed the entire next day, which fucking sucked. Actually, I'm still thirsty, and this was two days ago.

Yesterday was kind of worse. I had three refunds due to lateness and such and one particular customer deciding he had little better to do than to continually circle the drive-thru harassing me and the person in the back window. He wasn't helping the 500+ second average time for the DT orders.

Ironically, the one lady who had to wait 20 minutes for her order ("she ordered TWO angus burgers. why the FUCK did you only cook ONE and AFTER we made her PARK") was really really nice about it. I was more than happy to run back inside and replace her fries, which I accidentally oversalted because I was trapezing through the front of the store trying to ready the next four orders.

My ugly self-ceasing thoughts reared their ugly heads a few days ago, but all went well. I just had to blubber it all out to a friend coworker of mine while slobbering ice cream. The next day went better.

I put in my two weeks, three days ago, but I quickly retracted it because, well, I shouldn't be bitching about having unreliable untrained workers everywhere if it's about to become my job making sure people aren't unreliable and untrained.

I've taken on teaching one of the slower "defaults-to-cooking-meat" people how to serve customers at the front counter.

You see, this way, if I can teach people how to suck less, then I won't have to do five jobs at once, and end up getting out orders at 8 minutes. I'm only one person, so I'm not sure why these people are expecting any better.

I've been getting scads of new material from Charlie, mainly because they're not people graphics, and probably because the amount of suck my placeholders exude drive him to fix things.

(This was taken from RPG Maker)

Or maybe he has nothing better to do. I'm led to believe that this is why most people help me out with my stuff.

Ah well.

I'm going to end this blog now. I've been working on this for like an hour.


JuurianChi 12 years ago

It's interesting to discover that I'm not the only one who's week has been shit.

because we get new people every other day and our best minds keep leaving us for other, less shitty jobs.
Oh, god. I'm one of those kinds of people.

svf 12 years ago

I love the GUI in the game, and the art style (you have coming along), looks really cool! :)

Acid 12 years ago

Why the hell do you work at McDonalds? Get a job at an actual store - food service sucks and you usually get paid more working somewhere else. Whip up a resume, it can even suck, and just apply everywhere.

Taizen Chisou 12 years ago

It's interesting to discover that I'm not the only one who's week has been shit.

It must be effecting everyone.


Ah thanks, but really, Charlie's to credit for all of the graphical sexiness.


because… nobody else hired me :V

16-year-old still in highschool, no previous work experience. Excellent resume!

Poison is pretty cool.

But I've noted a marked increase in difficulty with the introduction of status effects.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

16-year-old still in highschool, no previous work experience. Excellent resume!
Try being 20, with previous work experience you can't reference and a low tolerance for the people you're trying to work for.

Best resume ever.

Toast 12 years ago

I'm 19 with no work experience I win