Views per Day for a Few Members

Posted by Taizen Chisou on Feb. 6, 2013, 8:53 a.m.,+2005/to/Feb+6,+2013

Actually, you're gaining hits at a rate much faster than I am. At your rate, I would have been up to nearly 200k after six years. :P

This inspired me to take a look at some of the view counts per day stuff. I'm missing lots of people, so if you're feeling left out, then you should tell me:

JuurianChi 79.11

Taizen Chisou 72.29

CyrusRoberto 56.76

Mega 53.15

DSG 43.32

Rez 33.11

Toast 29.94

Stevenup7002 28.82

sirXemic 26.55

Charlie Carlo 25.55

firestormx 24.04

aeron 17.89

hel 15.71

DaggerHog 15.43

flashback 13.93

SpectreNectar 11.40

mikemacdee 6.65

BobertBilliam 6.39

(SirXemic you should get on this)


Kamira 12 years ago

Eva, I'm the older twin :D But wow, 7 years. I swear we have this conversation at least twice a year…

JuurianChi 12 years ago

Religious Studies class went through my backpack and stole my PSP.
I loled.

Religion means nothing to children and adults alike.

My time on 64Digits means nothing to me, seeing as I almost never posted for three or so years.

So I'm trying to make it mean something now.

Eva unit-01 12 years ago

If somebody stole my PSP, there would be hell to pay, and I only play it like once every few months for a couple minutes. BUT STILL.

Snakeman 12 years ago

I'm surprised I'm as high >_>

You have no idea how suddenly interested I got in that comment until I noticed the "as". Now it's not as funny. :(

Josea 12 years ago

Lol I'm still somewhat high on that list even though I rarely post blogs on the frontpage anymore.

KaBob799 12 years ago

Yeah I post maybe 2-4 blogs a month now and I'm still fairly high up on the list