New Banners, Completition, Life Stuff

Posted by Taizen Chisou on May 10, 2013, 8:38 p.m.

Oh shit. Why did I agree to re-work Lunacy Star? I forgot what a piece of ass this game really is.

The graphics are awful, the sound is awful, the gameplay is lacking ~ ~ ~

How will I ever do this in two months? D:

Well, I suppose I had better get started. I can probably put in that snazzy new font that I made for the new Lunacy Star title, which doesn't exist really.

But oh well.

I've decided to commemorate the occasion by continuing on with the Lunacy Star 1 Remix Project, with a new fresh version of the fifth stage theme, Odd Fortress.

Will I actually complete a game? Will it not be absolutely horrible? We shall see!

Because this… is lunacy! Lunacy! Staaaar~

I made some new banners, but I'm a tad conflicted as to which ones exactly I enjoy the most.

See for yourselves:

If worst comes to worst, I'll probably just end up using ALL OF THEM AT ONCE OH GOD

It's finally happening… I'm becoming a popular person!

Somewhat. I think.

I have to keep all of my social engagements in check using the calendar on my phone now. I had all of the last week's lunch periods taken up all by hanging out and going to lunch with different people, and this week is shaping up to have even more lunch with even more different people.

I picked a damn good time to get to know everyone at school, I'm supposed to be leaving in two weeks D:<

The number of contacts in my phone has ballooned from 50 to 80 in the past couple of weeks. I'm having more problems than usual trying to keep in, well, contact with them.

The whole Boyfriend-less-ness Deal is easing up, somewhat, as I've been told it would with the advent of college.

Even though I'm not going to college yet. (Dunno if I am at all, really.)

My number of gay friends has gone up from zero to three in one week. Don't worry, I'm not hitting on them all at the same time. I have a schedule for that :V

I can't believe high school is like, almost over. The thought of not ever seeing half of these assholes ever again makes me almost want to cry.


I think I'll change my banner.


Castypher 11 years, 9 months ago

While I do think we need a bullet hell game in this package, I was excited to see Charlie Carlo bring up Credence Filter, so you could always fall back to that and just collaborate.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 9 months ago

Nope! Credence Filter is strictly a Charlie Carlo thing, even though I do pop in and help sometime. I promise, though, the next time he reboots it, I'm hijacking it from him.

Also, my negativity in the blog is strictly sarcastic. I'm actually greatly looking forward to revisiting Lunacy Star, even though I do, in fact, have a hell of a lot of things to do.

JuurianChi 11 years, 9 months ago

I have a gay acquaintance who hasn't had a boyfriend in the Two years since I had last seen him.

He doesn't let it get to him though.


Taizen Chisou 11 years, 9 months ago

It gets to me because I'm told that my high school is knee-deep in homosexuals, and I have no success whatsoever picking up random people, which implies to me that either there's very little to choose from, or that I'm horribly undateable.


Besides, I'm being happy. I actually have gay friends now, where I didn't previously :P

umbra 11 years, 9 months ago

man, you are like a Persona Main character…..

Castypher 11 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations Taizen. You are now a silent, soulless monster.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 9 months ago


Jesus Christ, I was so bad at coding in 2011. But I suppose it was a necessity, given the game, up until I was making the final boss, was made to work in GM Lite. :I

so many workarounds oh lord

Tossing out framework mechanics by the bucketload as I type.

Maybe I'll even balance the gameplay! Oh, that'd be a sight.


umbra 11 years, 9 months ago

well, i know we would have to remake Lunacy Stars Core from scratch, i knew it back when we,(mostly you) first make it. the engine is what needs most of the work, everything else needs a little polishing.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 9 months ago


Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but

Lunacy Stars Core

What is this?

umbra 11 years, 9 months ago

that was a Typo, i was referring to the engine, i accidentally capitalized the c. my bad.