God, I hope that doesn't imply that I intend to make one of these every month.
Rather, since about a month ago, I've been going HAM on this game.In fact, there's nearly 30 minutes of gameplay to be had already.More on that later. For now, do watch this: A list of things in the video that you probably would scoff and go, "Yeah, whatever," at, include:- I've implemented behavior-modifying status effects, now.- The idiotic sound effect handling has been replaced with one that is much easier to work with. I've started by effecting all of the magical attacks.- New graphics for the victory screen have come in.- The game no longer boots you to title automatically if you lose. No, that's reserved for Hard Mode. Rather, you'll now get an option to retry the battle, or, if you're playing on Easy, warp back to the last save point you stepped on. No more irritating loss of progress!Progression not noted by the video:-The first half of the game's Day 1 has been made.- I've gone and added some new equipment. They permanently apply a stat buff to the wearer.- A smorgasbord of saving-related bugs have been fixed.- Shopping menus no longer cause the game to crash.- All the items actually have prices associated with them now!- The framework for treasure chests and the like has been put in.- I now have over thirty rooms all linked up and explorable. The number of rooms fully tiled is slightly lesser.