
Posted by TakaM on May 10, 2007, 12:22 a.m.

I've been doing free-lance pixel art for a while, and it's good money when I have work to do, great money in fact.

But when I don't have any work, I obviously don't get any money.

It's a fun job, but it isn't exactly steady or reliable.

My mother thinks it's destroyed my work ethic since I can work the hours I please and I love doing it, 18 year olds are supposed to have some shitty job and go to university.

She asked me to see the guidance counselor at her school, I decided I'd go along, so she'd be happy.

I just got back now, went smoothly, I already knew most of what she said, but it's still something to think about.

She wants me to think about going to polytech and this expo thing in a week or so, apparently there's some guy there who loves helping guys like me with all this potential I've got going on

And I am thinking about it.

My mother just came in, since she was so happy I went to see the guidance counselor she says she'll get me a new computer for my upcoming birthday, and she said she'd get me whatever I need to help me with my art

also we got an email from our internet provider, we've gone over our cap again, which is nothing new, we always go over by 6-7 blocks (around 15,000 mb) except this email says we've gone over 250,000 blocks (I can't remember the exact number)

Pretty ridiculous, and my mother's just ridiculous enough for it to make her worried, we can't exactly afford over $100,000 on the internet.

On Cocopuff's latest entry, he posted some comics he made, I shall follow suit and finally show something I've made to you guys, I actually made this a while ago, it was originally a comic, but it works better (and doesn't stretch the page) as an animation:

Most people seem to like it, and it isn't supposed to make you cry with laughter, just maybe put a smile on your face.

And some news on Twinsen, I spent about an hour last night, trying to make some paralax layers, I decided I'd make one layer consisting of dense tree tops, but I haven't gotten to a point where I can show it off, I've actually restarted it about 6 times.

It's been a while since I've made some completely new graphics for Twinsen, and the only other paralax layers are the sky and clouds… Plus I'm not sure if I should add new colours to the palette for the new layers…

Rest assured, I will have something to show tomorrow, for now, I'll leave you with an old Twinsen animation I made:

Some of it is pretty out of date, but you guys have no idea



Cocopuffs 17 years, 9 months ago

You have the coolest smiley faces.

TakaM 17 years, 9 months ago

Bryan 17 years, 9 months ago

You are really good at pixel art. I'll get you when I need pixel art done ;)

chiggerfruit 17 years, 9 months ago

Ill man. Very. And glad to see you know where you're going. I need to decide meself.