
Posted by TakaM on May 11, 2007, 7:52 p.m.

I decided I'd share some history with you guys on Twinsen.

What history you ask? Well, it might surprise you guys, but Twinsen is an official character, and that means I and Cocopuff's game is yes, a fan game

But relax, like I said yesterday, I've had the ideas behind Twinsen for over a year before even starting the first sprite, well, thats actually a half truth.

I had the ideas for over a year, yes, but they were just floating round in my head,.

One day, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to work with him and create a Zelda platformer, and I thought I might as well use the Zelda IP for all the ideas I had, in fact, it would probably be more of a success that way- I love Zelda, so there's the extra motivation, and most gamers love Zelda too, so they'd be interested.

An old mockup when it was planned as a Zelda fan game

Eventually that fell through, mainly because I was just going on and on about all the ideas I had, and it wasn't the direction my friend wanted to go, so we just dropped the project.

A few days later, I was up in the attic with my brother, and we found two old games we were obsessed with as kids, so obsessed we regularly recreated areas and characters from the games with our lego.

I rarely played the game because I was only 6, but I watched my brother play both games from start to finish, and I came to love everything about the games…

What games were these? C'mon man! they sound awesome!

Well, they were, they still are, and they were called

When we found the games, he gave them to me, I immediately put the first one in my computer to play it, and I found it wouldn't boot, after some googling, I found the community Magic Ball Network, and they knew of a popular fix to get the game to run properly on Windows.

I was very surprised to see that after over 10 years, and no third LBA game, there is still a tightly knit and passionate fan-base for the series, and that they still dream about a third game in the series. (And it is a serious possibility)

I decided I'd stick around the forums, once I had finished both games, I knew I wanted to use Twinsen as the main character for my game.

Everything fit in perfectly around him.

Also, I felt like I should pay some respect to him, hopefully get some people interested in the original games, and maybe increase the chances of a third game a bit once they see a fan game based on their main character.

So I decided it, I asked another good friend of mine, who was always bragging about his skills in game maker to make the game with me, he said "sure", and things went smoothly for a month or so.

The engine was coming along well, and he put up with my nagging to get everything perfect.

Until one day his computer crashed and he could no longer even open game maker, or any executable for that matter.

It killed any motivation he had, so again the project was dropped.

If I were a dramatic person, I'd probably have thought the project was cursed or something.

But I'm more sensible than that.

So, as a last effort, I registered at the GMC forums.

I've heard many horror stories, and they all seem to be true, regardless I ran in holding my breath, asking for a coder to help me make this game, then I ran out and started breathing again.

Shortly after I got a PM from some loser called "Cocopuffs"

He said he was quite good etc, and I checked out some of his games, everything seemed in order.

I took him up on his offer, I ran him through everything on msn, and we started working on Twinsen pretty much straight away.

I was very impressed the first few weeks, my last coder always said stuff like "game maker just can't do that" and that game maker had a lot of limitations etc.

After I saw Cocopuffs was willing to go the extra mile for stuff like the background on the title screen, I knew we'd see this game to the end.

Besides Cocopuff's and my game, what else is there Twinsen related?

Well, there's a ton of programs made specifically for the official games, that can rip any sound effect, 3d models animations, cutscenes etc, pretty much anything.

And then there is Little Bigger Adventure.

One of the MBN members; "Jasiek" has been working on remaking the original LBA game in 3D for over two years now, and it's safe to say it has come a long way:

Even though Jasiek and I can have a pretty heated debate on things that need to be updated in his remake etc, I know he'll do a great job.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed reading a little history on some Twinsen related projects, the official games really are classic and you should consider yourself lucky if you've ever played them.



OBELISK 17 years, 9 months ago

Whoah, is that 3D LBA game made in GM?

I'm very impressed with Twinsen. I love the graphical style.

TakaM 17 years, 9 months ago

ah no, he's using Conitec 3D game studio


Cocopuffs 17 years, 9 months ago

Maybe I should play one of the LBAs…

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago

Fan game? D=