Had to go to the dentist today, and now that I'm 18, it's not free.
I'd rather not go all together, and only go when I know I need to, but a checkup never hurts.Showed up, about 5 mins waiting, went in, everything's fine, even my wisdom teeth are coming in straight, and I'm back out.I'm pretty lucky with my teeth, aside from having braces when I was 14 etc, I have very few fillings and I only really brush my teeth when I have bad breath or I'm going to the dentist. Came back home, made dinner, macaroni cheese… Hopefully it will taste good, we didn't have enough regular milk, so its a mix of like three different types of milk, didn't have enough butter, so its a mix of butter and over-whipped cream But I did plenty of taste testing while I was making it, and it tasted nice.Also, Chism came out with a little app that can decrypt the firmware for the R4DS, it's great because now I can change all the icons built into it, I'm sure the R4DS team will make it much simpler to change it in a new firmware release, but until then, this is the only way No word from Cocopuffs if the mole is fully implemented into Twinsen, regardless I still have to make the sprites for the mole being killed, not a whole lot of work, but there's a lot of boring, mindless AAing to do on his flash frame.After that, I'm going to get those damn paralax layers done, and then get everything made for the new story.I'm still playing Metroid Prime, charged 6 hours in already.Good thing is, I've forgotten most of the details, all my Metroid Prime memories have kinda merged together with MP2 and sorta been wiped over with Metroid Prime Hunters.A damn good game, and I was checking out speed runs of it on google videos, it makes a surprisingly awesome speed run, and while it's not tool assisted, it's still jaw dropping.I had no idea the game could be played so fast…Oh, and, we have two cats, and they haven't really been around much since we got Jazz.. which is roughly six months.They're really scared of her, and they don't have any reason to be, other than they're just stupid cats.I tried introducing them when Jazz was only a few weeks old, she'd just sniff them and try to lick them, while the cats are hissing and trying to gouge her eyes out.So fuck 'em, I never really liked the cats anyway, not hard at all to choose between them.Today, one cat came in to eat, and Jazz was just sleeping on her little bed-hammock thing, the cat (Reckitt) angled himself so he could keep an eye on Jazz, eat, and make a quick escape if needed.But he didn't count on me picking him up.I carried him over to Jazz, and she's still fast asleep, Reckitt is just about shitting himself, and Jazz wakes up, rolls on her back and has a stretch.Reckitt went insane, I've got scratches all over my arms from the little bastard, and he actually drew blood.After he scratches me, he sprints off to the door, and he's meowing to be let out, I walk to the door, and he's like I picked him up, and threw him out the door Not too far though…Little bastard…BYAAH!
I've never had any fillings or braces or anything.