Another pretty standard blog entry
haven't done a whole lot today, in fact all I've really done again is play Metroid Prime, really looking forward to starting Echoes What else.. Last night one of my friends on MSN started a 'phone call' with me, so I connected my headset which I've really just been using as headphones for my DS, anyways, it was pretty cool, I could play Metroid Prime while talking, kinda like Halo2 except not everything I said was "suck it" while I'm tea-bagging corpses.My head-set is kinda retarded though, well, it might be, I've got the feeling I've just missed some thing where I can set it up properly, first, my MIC won't play loudly, and pretty much everyone complains and asks me to turn it's volume up.. I can turn MSN's mic volume up on full, but I can't find any settings for the MIC in the control panel or anything. Oh, and the MIC is too short, if I wear it properly it doesn't get close enough to my mouth, so it makes it even quieter.It works best if I just wear it round my neck with the MIC angled up.. plus since my speakers are plugged in, I can't use the headphones at all. Cocopuffs just uploaded a new exe with the mole in, and he works pretty well, his behaviour isn't quite right yet, and I still haven't made the sprites for his death, but I can easily get that done in maybe half an hour.IGN's got a contest going on for an upcoming DS game called Drawn to Life, as the name suggests, your drawings come to life, more specifically, you can design the hero you play as.Back to their contest, you can draw online a character, and send it in, there's lots of prizes and your character could end up in the actual game.I was making a character in it last night, and I got the head done, but I accidentally closed the window. Also, drawing isn't as big a pain as I was expecting, sure it would be simpler to just draw a character in MSpaint, but then you wouldn't get to see it running round n stuff on the top screen.P.S. you can draw with the Arrow Keys and Space Bar for pixel perfect precisionBYAAH!
Echoes… That game is just amazing…
Sanctuary fortress….ZOMG YOU ASSHOLE NOW I WANT TO PLAY IT! D: [;)]