
Posted by TakaM on May 23, 2007, 1:21 a.m.

I might as well link to some of my favourite videos on YouTube.

First some old footage of Twinsen, before the first demo was released:

Yeah, it's pretty out of date now, but it's still cool to look back at it.

You might notice I have a few comments from people asking where they can download the game, I would answer but as you know, I have some problems with Youtube, I get no sound on videos, and it doesn't always let me comment.

Next up is a Super Metroid speed-run clip I put together:

I should clarify, it isn't me playing, I just downloaded the speed run, recorded it, and put together some of the best parts, it's a much more tedious process than I was expecting.

You might be noting my taste in music, yep yep, rap.

Anywho, I don't like this song that much, I like it's beat though, it sounds like something out of a DDR game- which some of the verticle parts of Super Metroid remind me of, especially in a speed run when all the little platforms are quickly flying to the top of the screen, similar to the arrows in DDR.

And it fits in well with all the wall jumping.

There is a second clip if you want to check it out in my profile.

Next up, the Racket Ball Trick:

Just found it on an old hard drive one day, still cracks me up.

It's not me

Some Sepak Takraw:

Wtf is Sepak Takraw? Well, it's an awesome sport, sort of a mix of soccer and volleyball.

We played it in high school, though we played it was more like hackey sack- but with a net.. Though one of my friends did pull off some cool moves whenever he could.

And some good ol' idiots:

I love imagining the conversation that lead to them doing this.

"Man, how can they fake the piledriver?"

"The table breaks their fall man"

"Nah, it'd still fuck up their neck"

"Pfft, wanna bet?"


"I'll even let you piledrive me"

"Off the roof?"

"Hell yeah! Just as long as we have a table on the lawn of course"

"of course"



Darth Dun Dun 17 years, 9 months ago

Awesome selection of videos… kept me entertained for a while

shawn 17 years, 9 months ago


smaksak 17 years, 9 months ago

Some Sepak Takraw:
What the hell? That was insane.. how can they.. do that?

turbo_toons 17 years, 9 months ago

Super metroid is really cool, i played on it all the time

[deleted user] 17 years, 9 months ago

Sepak Takraw is the most awesome sport ever, I was told about it by my Indonesian teacher, I almost forgot about it. =|

Shork 17 years, 9 months ago

Look up "More Corn". That'll scare ya.

stampede 17 years, 9 months ago

That last one was sick… Why they had to do that :( It must hurt like hell… R-tards.