I finally decided to have a go at the paralax layers, the bush ones at least:
As you can see, they're pretty simple, and yes, there is five of them.
I was going to just make one layer, and give it a fair bit of detail, but then I thought I'd see how it looks with five simple layers, similar to the cloud backgrounds in Cave Story.
These layers will move at a pretty quick pace horizontally, but very little vertically, I mean, they won't separate much on the vertical movement.
I don't have much time to write anything more, been out most of the day, and I'm going out to town with my mates soon.
I love those graphics!
Simple yet colourful!And the background does have a lovely depth about it!Keep it up! [:D]Looking very nice, great work [=D]
thanks guys :)
That looks so sexy. Nice work.
Due to it being a single image,may I ask how much the clouds are separated with being individual layers?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, how much space is between each cloud? or the depth between certain layers?