
Posted by TakaM on June 2, 2007, 2:13 a.m.

Man am I tired, been awake for about 26 hours now…

This morning I went with my mother to get the groceries, after, I went in to the jeweler to get a couple links taken out of the strap of my watch, it's perfect now.

When we got home, I decided to give Jazz a bath, it's funny, she struggles for like the first 10 minutes, then she just lies back and relaxes… And when it's time to dry her off, she won't get out.

She went crazy after as well, running round the backyard like an idiot, I think she was probably just trying to dry herself off a bit, so I put her bed thing outside so she could lie in the sun.

Then she came back in the house and she had muddy paws, and made prints allover the floor, so I had to mop it all…

And then I made dinner, 4 pizzas, chicken apricot and I guess meat supreme, they turned out pretty good.

Oh, and back when we were at the mall, I got a new mouse (my old one's scroll wheel no longer worked, and the right click only worked half the time) and a nice USB 2.0 extension cable.

It turns out my other cable I've been using for writing to my Pen Drive etc didn't support USB 2.0 so transfers were slow as hell and sometimes failed amongst other problems.

So now I've got a nice long cable and I can easily alter the volume, fast forward etc my videos from bed.

Huzzah for Laziness!



Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 8 months ago

I'm adding you to mah favorites list because you're blogs are well written and Twisen is one of the few good fangames in existence (I refuse to count fanclones).

Quietus 17 years, 8 months ago

I'm adding you too, but only because you have a pet named "Jazz".

WaleedAmer 17 years, 8 months ago

I've already added you because of your fantastic pixel art. =D

Cocopuffs 17 years, 8 months ago

I added you because you have a funny accent.

RetroVortex 17 years, 8 months ago

I don't know why I added you… [:O]

Rob 17 years, 8 months ago

I still haven't added you =P

TakaM 17 years, 8 months ago

lol, thanks guys :P