
Posted by TakaM on July 11, 2007, 10:21 p.m.

So, how 'bout that E3?

Pretty uneventful… Still, even if the second coming of Jesus was announced on all platforms I would've only cared about Metroid Prime 3.

I actually managed to have a look at Nintendos E3 press site, there's a couple usernames and passwords floating round. Here's some of the art from the MP3 press pack:

In fact, I uploaded a .zip containing all the screenshots, art and the trailer from MP3, you can download it here if you want.

One thing I was hoping for, was that you could lock on to enemies, point your gun off to the side, shoot a missile and it still curves back and hits the target.

A pretty specific thing to hope for, but it would make for some interesting combat and puzzles..

Of course, they haven't revealed everything yet, and it might be announced later.

In other Metroid news, I finished Echoes last night.

Good game, not as amazing as the first prime, but it's hard to compete with that masterpiece.

The only thing I didn't really like about Echoes was its world.

Yes it was really detailed and well put together, but it's just the overall setting and mood I didn't feel.

I suspect that was Retros intention, I mean; Samus is just dropped on this planet, in the middle of this epic struggle on a decaying planet- It wouldn't make sense for it to be as lively or have the areas contrast as much as they did in the first Prime.

I have to appreciate how hard it is to convey such a dark, beat down planet without it ending up plain boring, and it rarely was boring.

One thing I really loved about Echoes, maybe moreso than the first Prime, was it's boss fights.

Quadraxis has to be one of the greatest bosses ever created, I died the first time, beat him the second time, then beat him again just for fun.

The Final battles with the Emperor Ing and Dark Samus were very cool too, Emperor Ing was pretty straight forward, took a few tries to figure out the best way to optimize my ammo, then Dark Samus had me stumped for ages.

Not gonna spoil anything, but it took ages to figure that one out…

Not much Twinsen news to report, I recorded another gif… yesterday I believe, check it:



Amarin 17 years, 7 months ago

I've been watching G4's E3 coverage.

Amarin 17 years, 7 months ago

BTW, nice gif. How'd you make it?

TakaM 17 years, 7 months ago

I just press the record button in Twinsen, it saves every frame as a .bmp, then I just import the folder into imageready and save it as a gif :)

melee-master 17 years, 7 months ago

Yes it was really detailed and well put together, but it's just the overall setting and mood I didn't feel.

Interesting. I for one really got into the mood. Then again, I love moods like that.

One thing I really loved about Echoes, maybe moreso than the first Prime, was it's boss fights.

Metroid boss fights *are* amazing. And Dark Samus is just plain cool. I would love to see it as a character in Brawl.

ultim8p00 17 years, 7 months ago

This E3 sucks my GOD! Can you believe I actually got up and went to church? and Im glad I did

Cesar 17 years, 7 months ago

lololol, Dark Samus was an easy kill XD

TakaM 17 years, 7 months ago

easy kill?

nuh uh.

from what I gathered you had to charge your power beam, absorb the phazon particles she emits without touching the ground, then shoot them back at her while her shields are still up.

easy when you figure that out I guess

melee-master 17 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, so far E3 has been very, very bad.

OBELISK 17 years, 7 months ago

Twinsen couldn't look any sexier. Well, it could if you tried to improve it, but it's simply amazing. The alpha on Twin's shadow should depend on how far he is from it, though. That's my only suggestion.

MP3 looks amazing. The graphics are better than that of games like Halo 2.

Shork 17 years, 7 months ago

Quote: Takam
the second coming of Jesus was announced on all platforms

Let's do it. A Jesus based RTS with doom dragons. And no riding a filthy donkey into Jerusalem this time, he needs a raptor. With a samurai sword.