
Posted by TakaM on Aug. 24, 2007, 7:52 a.m.

I registered at the TIGSource forums the other day, and since it's an independent gaming forum it's natural that I made a topic about Twinsen.

And since I made a topic, I took some new screenshots for the dudes there, and I also recorded some gameplay which you guys are probably more interested in.

~Click to see full screen gif ~

(4MB) - - - (10MB)

Haven't had a chance to talk to Cocopuffs much lately, he's been sick and busy with stuff, so there's not much to say about Twinsen.

I've recently received about 5 emails from people inquiring work, ranging from album covers, to website concepts and of course sprites, tiles, GUIs etc.

I'm still getting more information from these guys, and it all sounds pretty good, a shame so many offers come in at the exact same time…

Tonight is the last night my uncles dog Donald will be staying here, he's gonna take him home tomorrow morning, as glad as I am to see him go, I know Jazz won't be since they've been playing all day every day, and Donald will probably be even more upset since the lawn at his house isn't as.. "eventful" as ours.

Our next door neighbours took a photo of both dogs peeking over at their backyard today:

(Jazz) - - - (Donald)

As much as I don't really like Donald, its a nice photo.

Today I had to go to my mothers school to help the caretaker move some desks, the school is having exams right now, and for some reason they decided it would be a good time to schedule a hypnotist to fund-raise…

My mum made it sound like an emergency, and when I got there it was about 20 minutes work stacking desks under the stage…

They need me again on Monday to set the desks back up for exams.

That's about all for today, I think I'll start Majora's Mask now..



Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 6 months ago

Cute dogs.

TakaM 17 years, 6 months ago

they actually climbed the fence lol

she sent two photos, and in the other one you can see donald has slipped and is scrambling to get back up :P

APlusHost 17 years, 6 months ago

The game looks to be going very well, i love the graphics and style.

Keep up the work.

Kenon 17 years, 5 months ago

Until the day we get a new demo of twinsen, I'm going to throw THIS GUY in a wood chipper every day.*

*I don't really mean it.