
Posted by TakaM on Nov. 26, 2007, 4:36 a.m.

Holy crap, Bender's Big Score is out and I highly recommend it to anyone who is or was ever a fan of the show.

There are tons of inside jokes/references that will make you smile and lots of jabs at FOX, Family Guy etc.

Also, the "movie" (really just a super long episode) focuses a lot on time travel, and in the good old Futurama fashion, they just accept the paradoxical ramifications and work with them to make it flat out awesome.

It's just so damn good to watch new Futurama again.

And sorry if I kept anyone waiting, apparently the internet went down for the whole city (our provider at least) and our router died at the same time.

So we rang them up, and they told us it should be working blah blah blah, so we plugged a computer straight into the modem and god damn it, they were right.

So now the router that was in my room is in the room with the modem so I still haven't even been able to download the damn weather channel for my Wii.



Nah just kidding, but he hasn't really done anything for the last week or two.

I don't feel worried or anything because I really feel like I could continue to work on Twinsen for like 5 more years if I had to, and even if/when we do finish I think I'd still be making new levels etc.

It's been around a year and Twinsen has certainly improved since it started, I've already put in far too much time to playing it, so much that I could probably do a blind folded run, well, maybe not one of the levels.

Ummm, let me find something new to show you guys…

Oh, it looks like Twinsen can't quite reach Baldino's balloon, I guess you'll have to wait to see what purpose it serves.

I've watched probably another dozen movies since the last update, only a few I think are worth mentioning.

First off, Waiting, it's got Ryan Reynolds who I've always liked for no real reason.

I'd sum this up as being pretty similar to Clerks 2.

The type of movie I could watch again, infact I still have it here, so I may end up doing so.

National Lampoons TV the Movie, I'm not gonna link to imdb for this piece of shit.

I watched Jackass 2 a week ago, and thought I might as well watch this since it has some of the guys doing more stunts etc.

But no, it's just so damn hard to watch, I don't mean it's disgusting or painful, it's just a god awful movie.

Worst movie I've seen in a long time.

Derailed, seems kinda like a stock thriller movie, an idea at least a thousand people have probably pitched, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

The twist at the end is super obvious which kinda ruins the movie, but I dunno, it was still alright.

And finally, I've sort of started another Let's Play video series, this time of the first official Twinsen game; Little Big Adventure.

I've had a ton of problems getting the audio in synch for the first two videos and I think I will just delete them and start again, or maybe a different game.. Who knows, time will tell.

Well, that's about all for tonight, I've got work tomorrow, only for 2 hours tho.

I also need to paint a portrait of Shrek to promote the third movie which I just don't want to do, but eh.. I'm the resident artist so fine I guess.

See you guys later.



shawn 17 years, 2 months ago

why does tat dudes shadow suddenly reapear? Just thought I'd point that out. And Jackass 2 kicks ass >:D

TakaM 17 years, 2 months ago

there's a dust cloud when he lands ;)

Juju 17 years, 2 months ago

How are the sprites so beautiful? I don't get it.

ESA 17 years, 2 months ago

Futurama kicks ass.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago

Video: Borked.

JW 17 years, 2 months ago

New futurama stuff? D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:::: Why don't I live in USA. :(

takam_espn 17 years, 2 months ago

hey I can finally log in - Yes I remember park! Can you send me your latest demo please?

P.S. Prison Break is off the air until next year now

Tasm 17 years, 2 months ago

The following movies sucked, IMO:

-The entire Saw series


-Jackass 1 + 2

-Knocked Up


Good movies:


-Leon: The Professional

-Saving Silverman


Josea 17 years, 2 months ago

New futurama stuff? D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:::: Why don't I live in USA. :(
There's something called Youtube and Bit torrent =)

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

We need comparison between first Twinsen screenshot and what it looks like today! Whii!

Well, if you have any screenies left from first versions of Twinsen ;)