[Takagi]In before the down!

Posted by Takagi on Aug. 14, 2007, 8:05 a.m.

Let me just post a blog before 64Digits goes down again. It's bound to do so sooner or later.


Life's going fine. School's about to start. As in, about to start in 25 hours and fifty three minutes as of me typing this sentence. I got around to reading the Great Gatsby and Catch-22 this summer (for summer homework). The Gatsby was boring. And lame. Catch-22 however, was a great book. I liked it a lot, it's funny, but it's dark. And later on in the book, the author poses some moral questions that I don't care for. Oh, and I read Harry Potter 7 a while ago. It was good, but the epilogue sucked.


In other news, I downloaded all of the Death Note episodes. I read the manga completely, and it's a good series. I'm just burning the series onto a CD as a backup measure. I'm going to watch the whole series sometime. Yeah, sometime. And apparently Death Note is now in English. I saw the trailer for it. Blech. So yes, go out and read or watch Death Note. It's a great series, no filler (woo hoo!), intelligent, dark, and, just like Catch-22, poses some moral questions. It's an anime series that doesn't revolve around fights. It's like Sherlock Holmes, sort of. I also watched both Death Note movies. They're okay, the first movie sucked, the second one was pretty good, but not "OMG!" good. I watched Borat. It was dumb. The funniest bit was the part about the cockroaches and the Jews…. [:p]

Now for music. For the last few days, I've been listening to "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel. I like the beat, and listen to think of the historical references. I've also listened to some Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Day (both of whom my Physics teacher likes). "Snow", "Californication" "Dani California" by RHCP are good, and "Minority", "Basket Case", and some other songs by Green Day are good.

Now my new obsession has been these two Japanese bands that some kid in my C++ class told me about. "The Pillows" and "Asian Kung-Fu Generation". [:)]

I like both bands a lot, here's a list of my favorites:

The Pillows:


Ladybird Girl

Ride on Shooting Star

Little Busters

Asian Kung-Fu Generation (aka Ajikan/AKG/AKFG)


Haruka Kanata





Kimi to iu hana

Blue Train

Loop and Loop

Denpatou (sp?)



Aru Machi no Gunjou


They're both rock bands. I strongly recommend them. YouTube them, you can find a lot of their stuff online.

Game Maker Related:


Wow. I just remembered, that there's a YoYoGames site. I never moderate that site. Never. There's too much junk for me to actually take the site seriously. I can see though, that the purpose of YoYoGames is to allow everybody to upload games, but honestly, the level of abuse is sickening. I don't mind a shoddily made Pacman clone, but having FREAKING JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE OR 50 CENT AS A PREVIEW PICTURE!? That's like YouTube, adding stupid tags so that whenever I type in "Colbert" I get some retard's speed run of Donkey Kong. And the thing is. Yes, I'm not too happy with the people who are members of YYG. The crap does sink, but the fact that I have to moderate it irks me. Or maybe it's just the difficulty I have to go through to moderate it that irks me. It's a slow-loading site. Yeah, it's definitely the annoying moderating tools (that are supposed to be fixed in the next release?)

Game Maker Community:

Well, on a plus side, I notice that the spam catcher forum is working very well! I'm sure I can disclose this information. 49 spam topics caught thus far. I like it. Has anyone noticed any difference in the Game Design forum in the three-ish years I've been here in terms of dumb topics and messiness? Just a review if you will. I was also recently turning over the idea of resigning as a moderator. Being a normal sure does have it's own appeal.

Games etc.:

Yes, I need to make a game, from start to end. So I'm going to do that (yeah right).

That's it.


Firebird 17 years, 2 months ago

Death Note, eh, I should watch that. I've been watching Lucky Star as of late :D.

Kenon 17 years, 2 months ago

:D Lucky star!

Juju 17 years, 2 months ago

YoYoGames is a failure.

E-Magination 17 years, 2 months ago

RHCP just rules in general. Charlie, By the Way and Can't stop are great songs of them too.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago

Meh, I've been watching about ten episodes of bleach a day, I've got from ep 14 to ep 107 in a couple of weeks.

Takagi 17 years, 2 months ago

Bleach is okay. I like Death Note better. Bleach revolves too much on long fights for my liking. I'm only on episode 60 something in Bleach. Death Note, that is a series everyone should read. It's gotta be standard "anime staple". Like "Full Metal Alchemist" and "Inu Yasha".

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago

I could watch that also. Looks a little too dark for my liking though.

bendodge 17 years, 2 months ago

Wait…you don't want to moderate because there is so much junk? I always get the most enjoyment out of moderating the karma system when there is lots of stuff to do. It just feels good to get a lot done.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 2 months ago

Ugh, I've been planning to read Catch-22 for years.

I read The Great Gatsby in a night (or, more specifically, the night before the test). The book was lame, but you can't complain about its shortness.

My summer reading list (which I have yet to start):

-Grendel by John Gardner

-Things Fall Apart by a Chinese woman

-Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

-Hamlet by Bill

Takagi 17 years, 2 months ago

"-Things Fall Apart by a Chinese woman"

No, Things Fall Apart was a book by an African.

Hamlet is good.