Takagi Blogs Again...

Posted by Takagi on Feb. 2, 2008, 9:56 p.m.

I finally got around to finally making another blog today…. hurray? Let me discuss stuff as it comes to mind…

School and Education:

It's going good… I guess. So far, grades have been doing well. I've got to take the ACT this weekend (February 9th). I'm not feeling too good about it. Thus far, I have been able to maintain the rank of #1 (cumulative GPA of 4.59), but I expect it to fall by next year. Not too ticked about it really, my close friend is going to move up to #1. This bloke got a 36 on his ACT. Why bother competing with him? We got our PSAT results back, I ended up with a 219. 80 on math, 70 on Writing, 69 on Reading. Nothing else in school besides that in terms of grades/tests/boring stuff.

I've learned that by reading www.bash.org everyday, I've become more witty, but my GPA ends up falling more and more. Damn you time wasting sites!


I've been listening to "Arctic Monkeys" recently. Most of their stuff is pretty interesting. "When the Sun Goes Down", "A View from the Afternoon", "Fake Tales of San Francisco", and "Teddy Picker" are my current favorites by this indie-rock (?) band. They remind me of Franz Ferdinand.

I've also begun to listen to "Nightwish". Nice band, I don't mind the new singer too much. "Amaranth" is my current favorite song by them (Annette Olzen sings in it), with "Nemo" coming second (sung by Tarja). Power metal band, sort of weird, but I enjoy that stuff.

Another band which I've been listening to lately… Bad Religion. They're really old, but dude, I love a lot of their stuff. "Supersonic" is what got me hooked first… but then I heard their better songs. "American Jesus", "Sorrow" and "Twenty First Century/Digital Boy" are my top three. Bad Religion… sort of punk-ish… I guess. I can't tell.

Gorillaz is also really good. "Clint Eastwood" and "Feel Good Inc." are incredible. Alternative rock with rap interspersed…. I recommend their music.

Game Maker:

I've not been too active lately. I'm sort of tired of it now. Moderating the GMC, hard to get in, great benefits (well, not really) and harder to get promotions. But you have great job security. I'm sort of irritated with this new GM registration system… if it got straightened out, the GMC would probably a lot better. And if maybe YoYoGames actually told us (moderators) about stuff before they announce it to the public. I've played Frozzd. Great game… best GM game I've played in a while. I was sort of away from the internet when the whole 64Digits attack and decompiler thingy came around.

Social Life (or whatever remains of it):

Sk8m8trix, stop trying to stalk me. I've already got a stalker/weird girl following me. It's a girl 1 year junior to me (a sophomore) who I sit next to in Chemistry. Of the last twenty Facebook wall posts I have, eight are by her. She made some weird note for me and gave it to me in Chemistry… and then took a picture of me as I looked at it. I didn't know she took the picture until I logged in to Facebook and saw my Notifications. Holy hell, how do I say "f-off!" but not hurt a girl's feeling? Why can't the girls that I actually have some interest in like me? Wait… it's because they're guys/weirdos/dead/drugged up/below 13…. Just joshing of course.

I've been able to mend all social mistakes I had made in the last two years in about a span of a month. How? I baked chocolate chip cookies for them all. Girls melt in the presence of chocolate chip cookies. Except that one redhead… she refuses to eat them. And they weren't spiked with anything that time!! Well, she and I are cool now, after I helped her with like… thirty Calculus lessons…. [:)]. Our "Girls ask Guys Out To A Dance" dance (Turnabout) is like in three weeks…. I'm afraid that the weird sophomore is going to ask me out. So I'm going to have to beg another girl to ask me out so I can turn down that sophomore with a reasonable excuse. I can't throw the "I'm raiding with my WoW clan" excuse out… I don't play World of Warcraft.

I'm probably going to regret asking 64Digits and GM users for asking for girl advice.


Rusky 17 years ago

Chocolate chip, huh? I'll remember that. [:P]

And why do you care if you hurt her feelings? She'll prolly get over it in a few days anyway, especially if you're not that rude or make a joke about it or something.

Kairos 17 years ago

Sometimes you need to be a bit tough, especially when they're annoying. Just tell her that she's annoying and that you would appreciate it if she would just stop. If you have a good image, you don't need to worry.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

I will NEVER stop stalking you, maybe you should move. Oh and wal*mart's moving by 141, yahoo.

Killpill28 17 years ago

Give her a chocolate chip cookie and say no.XD

Just Kidding.

Tell her that she would make a great friend, but you would not like to date dance with her.

[deleted user] 17 years ago

Tell her she's being creepy, And THEN give her a chocolate chip cookie.

That, or catch and behead a sk8, and wear his head like a hat, that'll keep her away from you.

Kenon 17 years ago

Do what I do.

Say that You don't date or dance.

Tasm 17 years ago

Tell her you're an escaped rapist. Worked for me.

gtvg 17 years ago

Tell her you're gay. XD

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Give her a long speech about how she's a good person, but you just don't like her in THAT way. Tell her that dating is a serious business, and that if you dated her, you would be doing it out of pity, and that wouldn't be nice for her.

melee-master 17 years ago

@GTVG: Girls like gay guys, so that will end up backfiring and making things worse for Takagi.

As for your problem Takagi… too bad you aren't me, or else you'd have no problem telling her to screw off. =]

Quote: Takagi
But you have great job security.

Are you guys getting paid for staffing these days?

Quote: Takagi
I've also begun to listen to "Nightwish". Nice band, I don't mind the new singer too much. "Amaranth" is my current favorite song by them (Annette Olzen sings in it), with "Nemo" coming second (sung by Tarja). Power metal band, sort of weird, but I enjoy that stuff.

At least it's metal… however mainstream. Back in the days when I listened to them, my favourite song was Planet Hell. I guess you should listen to it.