Despite Common Belief

Posted by Takagi on Oct. 8, 2006, 11:35 a.m.

Okay, something weird. At the GMC, I got a PM just saying "Hi". I said "Hello. Do you need something?". He said "Just saying hi". And for the next hour, every topic I went to, he went to. o_O

Yes, I was looking at the "Users reading this topic:" bar… Weird. Stalker.

Despite what may be your belief:

…GMC moderators aren't directly hired by Mark Overmars.

…GMC moderators don't necessarily have to be good at GM.

…GMC moderators don't cry in a corner when you call them stupid or curse at them.

…GMC moderators don't feel intimidated when you curse them.

…GMC moderators don't automatically do something because you swore at them and insulted them.

…DLL's do everything you need in GM.

…You can't make a game just with motivation.

…the GMC isn't meant to cater for your needs alone.

…GM cannot go onto a platform other than a PC without major changes to the other system.

…G-Java is essentially vaporware.

……the GMC moderator didn't misunderstand your topic, you just misunderstood the rules.

…I don't care enough about your WIP to receive a weekly PM from you when you post a new demo.

…Mark Overmars isn't God.

…you aren't a genius if you learn GM at the age of 10.

…the word "n00b" isn't a curse word. It's just an insult.

…the internet hates you. Deal with it.

…Microsoft isn't all that bad.

…saying "Linux" now and then doesn't make you seem smart.

…websites shouldn't have automatically playing music *cough*JakeX*cough*

…nobody will work with you when all you're doing is "ideas"

…nobody will work with you when all you're doing is "management"

…computer programmers don't get paid a lot.

…computer programming for video games isn't as fun as hobby programming.

…because you use C++ doesn't mean you're automatically a genius.

…You will not be a moderator by asking.

…You won't be a member of Eo by just asking.

…Paint banners can only be so good.

…typing in l33t doesn't make you seem cool.

…speaking in l33t doesn't make you seem cool (as in yelling out "lol" and "wtf" randomly. Pwned and owned I can understand).

…Yourself isn't wrong, you are.

…a game made in 2 minutes that is a piece of garbage is still a piece of garbage.

…GMC members can't read minds, so give some more infomation about what doesn't work.

…by posting a game in the Creations or WIP forum, you're allowing your game to be criticized.

…moderators don't lose any sleep after locking topics.

…GMC members don't lose sleep after insulting you.

…putting a picture up of you is an invitation for flaming.

…God also tells you to follow the rules, so get your 700 by 200 "I Luv Gdo" banner out of your signature!

…speaking in "gangsta" words is only cool for a while.

…just because you know a girl doesn't mean she will like you.

…Takagi enjoys a nice PM now and then.

…I don't get a pleasure out of warning random people. Okay, maybe I do.

…your brother didn't do it. You did. You don't even have a brother.

…If it was your brother, bad spelling and/or stupidity must be an inherent trait.

…It isn't cool to be mainstream.

…Moderators are meant to make sure you and everyone else follows the GMC rules. Not to reopen your topic once it's been locked.

…There is not "make_game()" function.

…There isn't a tutorial for every single possible game.

…Just giving credit doesn't always cut it.

…you can sell any game. It's just that you probably won't get anything sold.

Meh, just some things I thought up. I'm thinking about making a list of these and maybe putting them in some program. I was also thinking about making a program that would allow for easier searching of the GMC rules and perhaps some tips for using the GMC. Ah well…


melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago

Very true blog.


There is not "make_game()" function.

Hmm… *looks over at his Pokemon Engine in his GMC sig*

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 4 months ago

Someday I'm going to make a script called make_game().

Takagi 18 years, 4 months ago

What'll it do, dare I ask? Make a .bat file and run it?


KaBob799 18 years, 4 months ago

I know! I will make a "make_game" script. Except it will be an script for starting an online game session.

DFortun81 18 years, 4 months ago

Do NOT run this this script! Or Else you will die!

//Written by DFortun81
//Automatically makes an Online MMORPG game for you! XD
var i,charactername,hp,mp,ap,def;
//Make the characters
hp = 30;
mp = 15;
ap = 10;
def = 5;

room1 = 'OMG';
room2 = 'LOL';

//Crash your fucking piece of shiz computer n00b!
//(It's what you get for not reading the comments!)
for(i = 0;i-i < 1;i += 1;)
show_message('YOU IS FUCKED UP, BITCH! XD');
execute_file(working_directory + '' + string(argument0));

DFortun81 18 years, 4 months ago

I ran it on my sister's computer. It died. -_-

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Thank you. I will PM this to every n00b I know. It really pisses me off when people act like Mark is a god. He's sort of an ass, actually. Yeah, he made GM, but he doesn't seem like a nice person. Just my 1 and a half cents.

Takagi 18 years, 4 months ago

That really isn't necessary Eternal and DFortun81. A mere hammer* on the head works fine.

*Hammer © Hpapillon

DFortun81 18 years, 4 months ago

Hehe. Nuts. XD

Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

I made a make_game function 2 years ago, stop trying to be cool.
