im to cool

Posted by Talen on Nov. 2, 2006, 7:19 a.m.

Every body on this web site makes supper crappy games. I joinedthis website expeting my high quility type of games, but instead I get a steaming pile of dog poo. Mabey if you worked for more then three milliseconds on one of them it would rated up to being a nonsteaming pile of dog poo. so all I have to say is that im not even gano put one my incredible games on here becuase it embaris you people so bad that you would end up in the feetle pusition under your bed like the rats you are.

p.s. am I on enybodys friend list.

Keno-Edit: Refrain from insulting people or their games. +1 warn for rudeness.


Snakeman 18 years, 2 months ago

learn to spell plz. kthxbai.

frenchcon1 18 years, 1 month ago

you say your games are best

that doesnt explain why you havent actually HAD any games accepted.

im going to have to report you to the mods.

Big E 18 years ago

everyone this kid is autistic don't be so mean to him and I AM THE REAL ETHAN SNYDER!!!!

Crane-ium 17 years, 10 months ago

Hahahaha, wow…this guy is one of the biggest losers I've seen on 64digits. You think you're cool don't you? Well I think you're banned.

JID 17 years, 6 months ago

Wasn't Fred's game like the greatest GM game of all time?