Say what?

Posted by Tasm on Dec. 1, 2006, 3:54 p.m.

Don't ask about the blog title. I just always try to have an odd title.

So the past couple of days, my friend and I have been trying to figure out our History teacher, and how he even got his teaching degree. First off, he has an extremely bizarre method of teaching. Here's an example of a usual class:

-Start class with some local news, a joke perhaps

-Recap on the previous class

-Start on new material

-Play a song by a random 80's rock band, post the lyrics on the board, and make up some bullshit about how it ties into our unit

-Go back to the current material

-Random pop quiz

-Brain teasers(random word puzzles)

-Current events(he calls on a student to give him some international news)

-Back to current material for about 10 minutes

-Possibly another 80's song, or perhaps a game

-The bell rings, end of class

Throughout his lectures, I often find myself in this position:

Me(turning to my friend behind me): …what the <i>fuck</i> is he talking about?

My friend: I have no fucking clue…

The funny thing is, I have like an 85 average in that class, and I have no clue what's happening half the time.

Karate News:

I start sparring tomorrow! YAY! NO ONE IS SAFE!

I couldn't go today because apparently, flooded roads are hard to drive on or something…

I guess that's it. I really need to catch up with everyone here. Anything new and exciting in your guys' lives?

Random latin phrase:

<i>si peccasse negamus fallimur et nulla est in nobis veritas</i>

"if we refuse to make a mistake, we are deceived, and there's no truth in us"


DesertFox 18 years, 2 months ago

//I have no fucking clue…//

Good - no little baby clues to take care of, then.

Requiem 18 years, 2 months ago

I couldn't go today because apparently, flooded roads are hard to drive on or something…
Which is why we drive hovercars in Canada.

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

My Freshman science teacher was kind of like that, except his classes went like this:

-Start class with a conversation about school sports

-Listen to a couple (…10 or 20) jokes

-Look at some YouTube videos

-Possibly mention some science

-Get sidetracked by the Internet. Again.

-Maybe take a pop quiz

-Talk until the bell

Tasm 18 years, 2 months ago

Good - no little baby clues to take care of, then.

I'll admit, it took me some time to get that joke.