Love. Or something similar.

Posted by Tasm on Dec. 6, 2006, 3:28 p.m.

This has been an eventful 3 days. Allow me to elaborate:

First, and most importantly(to me): I found out from a friend that another good friend of mine likes me, more than a friend(I used the word 'friend' three times just now…). Anyway, I'm thrilled, because I could never imagine her ever having feelings for me. For one, she is far more mature than me, and she's gotta be more intelligent. I could have never imagined that all the times we sat talking together in advisement and lunch that there was some sort of connection being made between us.

…Especially since I've been going after a totally different girl for a while now. This girl happens to be the one who told me she liked me(the other friend in this trio), who I recently decided to let go(a few reasons, she has a thing for only dating older guys <_<). Everyday during that time period, I sat in advisement and told this other girl(who likes me) about my problems, and how I was feeling, and she always listened to me. I never would expect her to have feelings for me, if anything, I'd expect her to become farther apart.

I pretty much confirmed the 'rumor' of her liking me today in lunch; she wouldn't make eye contact with me, was kinda nervous to sit next to me, and spoke somewhat awkwardly when I asked her a question. Now that I know how she feels, I really want to build on it.

Well, that's basically it. I'm sorry for making you all ready this gushy stuff, it's just that in my 16 years of existence, no one has ever had feelings for me. So I'm like, psyched.

I leave you with the customary random latin phrase:

<i>fiat justitia ruat caelum</i>

"Let justice be done should the sky fall."


Tasm 18 years, 2 months ago

Damnit, your 16. Well, you type like your 14 (not an insult, just the way I read it sounded kinda funny… reminded me of Middle School).

Yeah, I was in a hurry to type that whole block of text so I'm sure it's riddled with grammatical errors. Atleast I tried, eh?

RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

Good for you!

you should go for it,

life's too short to dwadle, (unless you got nothing else better to do…)