I != You

Posted by Tasm on Jan. 15, 2007, 6:51 p.m.

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My legs

are killing me right now. We had to do some leg extentions in Karate, hold on to a bar on the wall while we extend our legs as if we are kicking, and hold them there. My instructor decided it would be funny if, during my extention, he grabbed my foot and pushed it up about another foot. Severe pain ensued.

  • In other Karate-related news, I started screwing around with my nunchuks today. I have two pairs, so maybe I'll try figure-8s with both at the same time. That would be sweet.

  • I'm working on a 3D game in GM. So far, I have mouselook and added that little "bounce" effect to the camera whenever you move, which gets more intense the faster you move. Makes the game about 2.4% more realistic.

  • I'm trying to track down someone who'll give me guitar lessons, so far to no avail :(

    That's it for now.
  • Comments

    Kenon 18 years, 1 month ago

    Quote: Spenser
    We had to do some leg extentions in Karate, hold on to a bar on the wall while we extend our legs as if we are kicking, and hold them there. My instructor decided it would be funny if, during my extention, he grabbed my foot and pushed it up about another foot.
    You weren't extending high enough obviously.

    Quote: Farther down
    In other Karate-related news, I started screwing around with my nunchuks today. I have two pairs, so maybe I'll try figure-8s with both at the same time. That would be sweet.
    2nd degree Black belt in Taekwondo is reuired to have a double nunchuk form.

    zagster 18 years, 1 month ago

    Or using another computer :P

    Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago


    Fender 18 years, 1 month ago

    Are you supposed to waste time watching it? Because I don't feel like it right now. Maybe later.

    Quote: Zipper Head
    I'm trying to track down someone who'll give me guitar lessons, so far to no avail :(

    Do yourself a favour and find someone who's actually good. My friend's gone through about four in the past half a year.

    Toast 18 years, 1 month ago

    Quote: MrPacman
    You = Monkey

    DesertFox 18 years, 1 month ago

    Nunchucks are illegal!

    Tasm 18 years, 1 month ago

    ^Not if they're used for 'recreational' purposes.

    Juju 18 years, 1 month ago

    That's like saying nukes are fine until you use them for what they're intended for. It will all end in tears…

    Tasm 18 years, 1 month ago

    Maybe, but how can you compare nunchuks and nukes?

    tylerthemiler 18 years, 1 month ago

    Quote: fender
    Do yourself a favour and find someone who's actually good. My friend's gone through about four in the past half a year.
    Yeah, I finally got an instructer that actually gigs all over the country and my playing went up after one lesson. I kid you not.