Boom! Headshot! [‡‡]

Posted by Tasm on May 4, 2007, 6:46 p.m.

<b><i>Captain's Log: 5.4.07 -

Week one of my 17th year on Earth has been filled with ups and downs, pinnacles and pitfalls. I have learned much this past week, not only about my friends but myself as well.

Today was the most interesting day of this week hands down. A young lady made a proposition to me, one which after some consideration, I gladly accepted.

Is this…

Is this what it feels like…

To be loved?


Probably not.

If you understood any of that, you'll know that I now have a girlfriend. If you read back a few blogs, you'll find one of me talking about a freshman girl who was getting a bit too comfortable with me, and how I totally did nothing to stop it . =P

Well, today, right after first block, I'm heading to my Spanish class. I'm going through the door, and hear someone yell, "Mike!"

Now, since the name Mike is extremely common of my school, and since I didn't recognize the voice, I paid no attention and walked into my class. I set my stuff down, and as usual, walk back into the hallway to mingle for a bit. As soon as I open the door, I'm basically ambushed by two girls, the freshman and her best friend.

After some awkward silence, she just blurts it out.

I swear to God time stopped at that very moment, while my head nearly imploded under the massive weight of that week's stress and disappointment. After some very suave stammering, I managed to mutter, "I-I'll think about it," and give her the friendliest smile I can stomach. She says ok, and we go to our classes.

One of my friends who happened by the conversation asks, "So what did you say?" and I tell him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That girl just asked you out!"

"Yeah, well I-"

"Yeah, well tell her you will!"

So I sit through the entire 80 minutes of that class, completely owning a unit test in the process, and thinking about it.

But it occured to me - I'm 17 years old. I've never had a girlfriend, and Godammit, it's about time I take some Godamn initiative and take control of my life rather than waiting around for good things to come my way.

So I tell her yes, we exchange phone numbers, and I nearly miss my bus as we sit on the sidewalk talking. Luckily my friend spotted me through the rear window and hollered at the bus driver.

I guess it's just one of those days.

<i><b>I need to start giving my blogs more relevant titles…</b></i>


Josea 17 years, 9 months ago

very suave
Ha! Spanish!

See? When life can't be worse the only thing that can happen is to get better. For some reason you're the 4th person I've seen for the last couple of months that lost his rank of "guy who never had a girlfriend". <here I was going to make an ironic comment>

And yeah, you should make more relevant blog titles =)

Extravisual 17 years, 9 months ago

Dude, don't date a freshman! Are you insane? I am a freshman, I know firsthand what they are like, and trust me, you want to avoid them at all costs.

Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

*is going out with a freshman*

*has been best idea to date*

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago


I need to start giving my blogs more relevant titles…


Kaz 17 years, 9 months ago

Maybe it is relevant. Maybe he killed her, with a headshot.

Tasm 17 years, 9 months ago

@Halibutski: What Kaz said.

@Kaz: Not yet, she hasn't angered me enough…

shawn 17 years, 9 months ago

17? Your friend was right. Have fun.