Saturday, Bloody Saturday

Posted by Tasm on May 12, 2007, 8:13 p.m.

Just in case you all were wondering, life sucks. But that's ok, because atleast I still have my dignity. *sniff*

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You know what I want to do? Find someone who can teach me Latin. Latin is such an amazing language. So amazing, that it's long been dead(if I recall correctly).


So yeah, lots of stuff going down at my school. We had a career expo Thursday, which basically means a bunch of representatives from different companies, colleges, and of course different military branches clamber into the gymnasium, set up booths and give out information pamphlets and free stuff. The booth for the Marines was most interesting, they were giving away hats and t-shirts, but they weren't just gonna hand 'em over. No sir, we had to do pull-ups to earn this shit. So I figured I'd give it a go.

I did 17 pull-ups, and dropped off the bar. Wasn't my best performance, but I still got my t-shirt, dammit.

A few of my friends are trying to get me to ask another one of my friends out, much to my displeasure. I got so pissed, that I kinda snapped back at one of them:

"So, when you gonna ask her out?"

>"Sometime after you go fuck yourself."

Then I had an AIM convo with another one of my friends:

Quote: AIM convo

>So, I recently decided

>That I'm gonna hold off on dating till I get out of school

>>That's not a bad idea


>>what if you fall in love before then?

>The chances of that happening are astronomically low


>I'm talking like 0.0000000000001%


>>well, there's always that chance

>Yeah, there's also that chance that I'll spontaneously combust sometime before I graduate

>I'm guessing I have a better chance of that happening


>>you seem sad


>>are you?

>nope, not sad

>I just know better

But it's all good. All my friends know that I have a short fuse, which sends me into mood swings of intensity just short of bi-polar disorder, and I tend to look on the darker side of things far too often.

I may be tempted to actually get back into GM, but I haven't decided yet. I probably won't, seeing as I never created anything special with it. I actually kinda hate programming now.

That's about all for now.

Stay classy, 64D.


gamehawk 17 years, 9 months ago

Hate programming? How?

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago

Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath.

thepharaoh 17 years, 9 months ago

Plasma, platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells make up blood.

Tasm 17 years, 9 months ago

Are my blogs really that uninteresting?

Rob 17 years, 9 months ago


RetroVortex 17 years, 9 months ago

GM has been calling to me recently…

But my DS has been screaming at me to play with it!

And with an R4 in tow, I can't help but play pokemon diamond and Picross DS

But at least GM is louder than my PSP, which is practically dead to me!

I know, I know, I make no sense! [:D]

BTW, I like reading your blogs! They are interesting, like a high school TV show I watched once, but with a realife twist! You can see inside the characters minds!

R 17 years, 9 months ago

What happened to that other girl.