MouseKeys [‡]

Posted by Tasm on Sept. 16, 2007, 11:24 a.m.

The wireless Logitech mouse that's hooked up to this computer eats up batteries like Paris Hilton eats up… well, you can fill in the rest.

In any event, I'm stuck using MouseKeys for the time being. Also, not having a mouse means I'm going to be utilizing keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys and such, so I recently brushed up on a few through a Google search, and learned some that I didn't know, like WinKey + D and other WinKey commands.

Anyway, back to reality.


 Not too bad, all things considered. The only class I really have any gripe against is Creative Writing. We were told that we would be able to express ourselves freely through writing and such, and yet, she makes us write stuff in her own format and style. Writing isn't supposed to be formal and refined, it's supposed to be up to the author what goes into it, and how.

 Psychology is fun, we get to write a journal entry everyday about ANYTHING, and that's exactly what I wanted. We also do some experiments with people in class. Friday, we did a breakfast club kinda thing, two volunteers had to eat breakfast in class. They also had to be blindfolded, which prevented them from seeing that the food had been dyed to look spoiled, which was awesome. Also, the dye stained their teeth. +10 points for humiliating two dumb girls in my class.


 I went on a somersault rampage the other day, doing as many as I possibly could before exhaustion set in and I finally failed to land the flip on my feet. On a trampoline, though, even landing on your back can be fun(waits for a "that's what <i>she</i> said" comment.)

<center><h4><u>Love Life</u></h4></center>

*tumbleweed rolls by*


 It's been a while since my last blog. It'll probably be a while 'til my next blog, too. Just got a whole lot of shit going on, while at the same time, practically nothing. It's hard to explain.

*In the interest of not getting my throat slashed, here's a pic by <font color="#884500">Twinsoul:</font>

<center><img src="">


That's it. Go home.


OBELISK 17 years, 5 months ago

Hey, nice tumbleweed. Would you like to come inside and see my collection?

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 5 months ago

Writing isn't supposed to be formal and refined, it's supposed to be up to the author what goes into it, and how.
There's so much truth in this statement.

melee-master 17 years, 5 months ago

My wireless Logitech barely eats batteries at all, it's awesome.

@Obelisk: You have a sweet avatar.

E-Magination 17 years, 5 months ago

My Microsoft doesn't eat any batteries. Nor does my wireless Wacom one.


elmernite 17 years, 5 months ago

My mouse has a tail.


panzercretin 17 years, 5 months ago