Phosphor [‡]

Posted by Tasm on Sept. 30, 2007, 5:14 p.m.

I'm pretty sure someone posted this a while back(which is how I found out about this game in the first place), but there's this game that's kinda cool called Phosphor.

It's a browser-based multiplayer FPS that runs on Shockwave. The graphics <b>aren't bad</b>, the sound is <b>decent</b>, and it's overall pretty good, considering it's browser-based. The only problems I've had so far are slight framerate issues.

Here's a screen:

<img src="" border= "2px">

Anyway, to the point of this blog, which will probably be removed due to lack of content:

I want to try some multiplayer games.

Here's how it works - I set up a server game, anyone else who wants to play starts the game in their browser and connects via IP. Nothing new, you all know the drill.

So, if anyone wants to play with me, leave a comment.

<b>Check out the game at this site</b>(you can play by yourself against bots):


In other news, we had a pep rally at my school on Friday. To me that sinply means that all classes are shortened to an hour, and the last hour and a half of the school day are spent sitting in the gymnasium watching the various school teams parading about and listening to loud, poorly selected music.

There was one good part - my principal got pied in the face. Like 4 times. Other than that, though, it was the same old boring bullshit.



Crane-ium 17 years, 4 months ago

Sounds cool…I'm not going to play though because I don't have that time…

…I was lead here by a link.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 4 months ago

I posted it on GM-Offtopic months ago. It's obvious you stole it off that >_<

Rob 17 years, 4 months ago

SHOCKWAVE!??!?!?!?!?!?!? wtf