The Madder They Get...

Posted by Tasm on Jan. 23, 2014, 5:44 p.m.

So I started my first software-oriented classes this semester. I guess I should have known better than to expect at least half of my class to understand the basics of using a computer, being in the south and all. But seriously, this is a course required for folks majoring in some sort of computer-related field, and there are people who don't understand how to log into the computer. I can't fathom how they were able to register for classes, given that most of them opt to do so through the school's web portal.

Which reminds me of an incident involving myself, my one friend from school (who also happens to be a vet), and everyone in my English 101 class. Somehow, in this day and age, every single person in that class is still convinced that there is a better source of information on this earth than the Internet. We actually had a fifteen minute discussion/debate about how books are in fact a better choice and that the internet couldn't be used to seek out data for a research paper. This was bad enough, but what made it worse was that it was immediately following a portion of the lecture in which our professor outlined the various ways to find information on the web and validate sources. My friend and I just conceded to get out while we still had the chance in an effort to retain our sanity.

The job hunt continues, although I'll admit I'm not putting 100% effort into it. The gubmint's already paying for school and rent and I've got a good chunk of change in savings, so there's that. The only thing really on my mind is what to get my girlfriend for V-Day.

In gun-related news, I found a gun shop not too far away that I never knew about. The owner told me they had been open for 6-7 months, but I couldn't find them on Google Maps (is there some sort of process for getting your business on GM?). I looked around and got some ideas for a carry gun.

The Sig P938. This thing is small. I consider my hands to be on the smaller side, but I couldn't get my pinky anywhere near the grip. The owner assured me that extended mags are available. In any event, it's a very cool little gun.


MMOnologueguy 11 years ago

Society can be so intolerable sometimes that people need to be capable of killing themselves and everybody in the room if they don't want to deal with it. The United States is the only first world country where this right is still quite well-protected.

Tasm 11 years ago


At least you two tried.

Toast 11 years ago

0/10, we don't talk in memes here.


@SpectreNectar Typical Dane

@MMORPGguy Typical American

Tasm 11 years ago

But, my maymays are the only thing that make me look cool on the internet!

firestormx 11 years ago

What an ugly grip. :(

I love a lot of Sig's slides, but i haven't found a grip that feels comfortable. (I only have a couple P226 replicas, but I've oggled a few other pistols they manufacture)

If you're going to drop that much money on a German 9mm compact gun, why not just get a subcompact glock? G26s with an extended mag are sexy, comfortable, cheaper, and carry more ammo. Apparently the subcompacts perform as well as the full sized glocks as well (at least in 9 mil).

"everyone has a glock", but there's a reason for that. If this is going to be your carry firearm, and not just something for the range, you'll want something that will perform. Not to say that sig doesn't perform, but glocks are proven, they're inexpensive, and their parts and accessories are more common.

Tasm 11 years ago

"everyone has a glock."

Yeah, and I've shot a few and they're not bad. But the angsty teen in me drives me away from the super popular, super ubiquitous brands (which is why my first pistol was a CZ). The problem with being angtsy though, like you said, is there tends to be a severe lack of aftermarket accessories for such guns.

Also, I'm not in love with the way Glocks feel in my hands, and if there's anything most people agree on regarding choosing a gun, it's that you always go for the one that's most comfortable.

firestormx 11 years ago

You don't like the feel of a glock? Heh, I've always considered them as a nearly universally good feeling good.

What about something like a Springfield XDM 3.8? It's quite a bit larger though.

firestormx 11 years ago

A version 2 gearbox, developed by Tokyo Marui, which has now been copied into the most commonly used AEG gearbox in existence! =D

Toast 11 years ago

You could always just make a T-shirt that says "I'm overcompensating for my tiny penis"

Tasm 11 years ago

Quote: Toast
You could always just make a T-shirt that says "I'm overcompensating for my tiny penis"

I'm pretty sure Dianne Feinstein manufactures those and sends palettes of them to the NRA.