So I got my first payroll yesterday, and promptly spent over half of it. Yep, I bought a Nintendo DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World. Can't stop playing that damn game. It's a shame I can't use WiFi though…
Not much else happened. I realised my next paycheck will be about double this one. You see, I get paid bi-weekly, and the first week that went on this paycheck, I only worked one day of. So I figure my next payroll will be atleast double. Which is sweet. I'll probably just blow it all on games, perhaps a book on programming…-FinP.S.: Don't rock the boat, don't rock the boat, baby.
to use wifi you need wireless internet or you can broadband but you need to buy a WiFi USB connector for that. oh yea, watch your back at night when you're playing that. XP