Posted by Tasm on Aug. 16, 2006, 6:33 p.m.

Are blog titles allowed to be in all caps? Ah well.

I just wanted you all to know that my older brother is a bitch. That's right. He blows his mind because I keep deleting LimeWire off of MY computer. Well, I'm sorry if I don't want a million fucking viruses on my PC. I guess I'm just old-fashioned that way.

Ironically, the best way to piss him off is to ignore him. He gets so angry when he's expecting me to respond to his bitching, and I just blow him off.

In other news, the computer that my mom just got like two days ago already died XD

She ordered it from HSN and they shipped it, it worked fine the first day then it asploded. Which is quite humorous.

It seems I have 40 friends. However, I only have 30 something people on my fav users list. If I don't have you on my list, but you have me on yours, tell me. I don't wanna seem ungrateful.

*cue Unreal Tournament announcer voice*



Magicman657 18 years, 6 months ago

Long live the Killing Spree. Damn, if only things like the Mortal Kombat announcer was a part of real life…

Imagine, a debate between presidential candidates, and after a long grueling series of questions one person is totally pwning the other guy, out of no where you hear

"Finish him!"

It'd make my day :)

noshenim 18 years, 6 months ago


It seems I have 40 friends. However, I only have 30 something people on my fav users list. If I don't have you on my list, but you have me on yours, tell me. I don't wanna seem ungrateful.
same :P

Arcalyth 18 years, 6 months ago

I think I'm still used to my name being Halospree.. I couldn't get through the comments without thinking people were referring to me.
