My Predicament

Posted by Tasm on Aug. 18, 2006, 2:36 p.m.

Yes, I realise I probably spelled that wrong. I'm sure someone can tell me if it indeed is mispelled.

Anyway, I'm have a problem. I want to make a game, but I can't decide on what kind to make. That's where you people come in. Below are games I want to make:

[dat=Which should I do first?]

Fighting game - I want to do this because I haven't seen any particularly good ones made with GM.

3D Shooter - I want to do this because everyone else is doing 3D, AND mostly because I really want to learn 3D functions.*

Mplay(online) shooter - I have one well in the works, but haven't touched it in some time. I need someone to tutor me on the use on 39dll or GMSock.


I need some feedback on that. Otherwise, I'm going to make a child cry. And we don't want that, now do we?

Oh yeah, and I need a new banner… but that's not important right now. What is important is that I take care of the assassins that just broke into my house.

*I need someone to tutor me on 3D functions!


noshenim 18 years, 6 months ago

a mmo shooter…

sleepinjhonnyfish has a mmo example, and I think desertfox has a 39dll example.

Tasm 18 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for the info.

Arcalyth 18 years, 6 months ago

You spelled predicament correctly.


WaleedAmer 18 years, 6 months ago

You spelled predicament correctly.
Congratulations SpenSer!!! Now you get a cookie!

I'm too lazy to get u one so go and buy it urself! >=D

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 6 months ago

I think the mmo shooter would be really hard :

Try making a really cool fighting game

Tasm 18 years, 6 months ago

MMO shooter? No, I just meant a shooter that you can play online with a friend or two.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 6 months ago

Yay! SpenSer went back to Gm! You see the light! You get a cookie!

*Gives Spenser cookie(chocolate chip)*