Good news for once:
According to my Karate instructor, I'm actually advancing faster than my class mates. It's kinda a mixed feeling, being proud of myself for my effort, and yet feeling pressured with all the expectations that are now riding on me.I get my Yellow Belt on the 11th of next month, and so I can start sparring and putting my skills to the test.More importantly, I have that Dojo challenge this Friday. I'm one of like 2 or 3 people from my class that is participating, so I pretty much NEED to do excellently. I've been practicing for quite a while now…And an update on my journey into the cultural wasteland known as MySpace:The week has been less exciting than expected. I have 6 friends, all people I know in real life, so that's good. I recently did a classmate finder thing on my school and… I'd rather not discuss my findings >_<That's about it. Go home now.
I am already home.
REZ, <i>you</i> insult your family. :P
If this was home you'd already be here.
I get my black belt in 3 months.
Man, that's awesome Kenon. I bet no one in your school messes with you :)
I'm also a ninja.
^^Someone feels un-manly around Spenser. [;)]