Find Yourself

Posted by The Avatrol on Feb. 5, 2010, 9:41 a.m.

Never tell yourself you will, just do.

and this:


Polystyrene Man 14 years, 11 months ago

I smoked more salvia than weed this summer. Definitely one of my favorite consciousness-expanders.

And I assume this is your music?

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 11 months ago

Also, salvia and LSD go together very nicely.

The Avatrol 14 years, 11 months ago

Definitely a consciousness-expander. Never tried it along with LSD. I took LSD with a few people one time and ended up drawing some awesome oil paintings though.

Those are my songs, what do you think of the vocals? Be honest, I was thinking about giving them another go… Most of the synthesis you hear is generated with a MOD tracker with tons of post processed effects thrown in after.

More music to come by the way. How are your musical endeavors coming?

Quietus 14 years, 11 months ago

i went crazy for a while after my second LSD trip, we have salvia but i haven't tried it yet cause i'm afraid of what would happen lol. ours is 5x though (the salvia) so any amount you use is going to shoot you to hyperspace.

i like the music, the vocals in Dead seem to fit the music better than in Binge.

Polystyrene Man 14 years, 11 months ago

Well, firstly- the music was really solid.

The vocals do seem a bit out of place. Sounds like you cut out too much of the low end. Also, there's a lot of reverb… if you're trying to get a spacey sound I find it's better to use less reverb and more delay- just tends to make it fleshier instead of whispy. You might also want to consider double-tracking.

Vocals are hard to get right. I still struggle with it.

As for my own music, I don't have as much time to record as I used to (college life…) but I still manage. I'm working on a big idea right now. Can't say what it is for fear that I won't finish it, but that's that.

But here's some stuff I've just been doing in my spare time: (this is with my girlfriend singing)

Sorry these are all separate files, but I'm just picking them out of my file manager.

ours is 5x though (the salvia) so any amount you use is going to shoot you to hyperspace.
I found 5x to actually be pretty tame- you'll probably stay grounded.

And don't be afraid of salvia! People that freak out on the stuff go into it thinking that it will be similar to pot, then don't know how to handle it when they find themselves in a different dimension. Just play some quiet music and be prepared to lay down and accept whatever happens. Salvia always talks to me and soothes me into the trip, saying things like, "don't worry… it's been so long since we last saw you…" stuff like that.

The Avatrol 14 years, 11 months ago

Came out to watch you play, why are you running away?

Came out to watch you play, why are you running?

Yeah, 5x shouldn't be too bad. Pretty much what Poly said, just accept it and enjoy yourself and you'll be fine. Fight it and you'll drive your mind into a bad trip.

It's good to have 1 or 2 trusted friends watch over you during the experience.

Believe it or not, I feel like my cognitive functions and attention span have been improved since I've been using Salvia. Less depression and a clearer mind…


I'm having a little trouble downloading your songs. Mediafire is stuck on "Processing download request…".

Quietus 14 years, 11 months ago

also, the name Avatrol sounds like a manufactured drug lol.

F1ak3r 14 years, 11 months ago

I had the same thought as username. I half-expected that link to lead me to a shopped picture of Neytiri's face on Pocahontas's body or some such.

The Avatrol 14 years, 11 months ago

Avatrol means bastard. (and apparently there is a drug with that name as well, go figures right?) ;P