Posted by The Avatrol on Oct. 19, 2010, 1:26 p.m.

I think I might buy a PS3 just to play this game…

This is the kind of game I can see myself sitting around all day playing with my friends, making my own fun.

Has anybody played this?


The Avatrol 14 years, 4 months ago

Well I'm not honestly going to buy a ps3 for one game, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm a sucker for stuff like this… I'm very visually stimulated person, especially under certain situations… I looked at numerous videos of game play for this and there are different levels to the point where it looks like it would stay fresh. Honestly, I think the creative level of most mainstream games, (okay Nintendo occasionally has something neat) has more or less become stagnant.

Who really wants to play another generic fps?

At the point I'm at now, I'd rather play a game with no goals, no stress involved and just get whatever I can, mess around and whatnot, than play a game I have to take seriously in it's completion, finish it, and then feel left wit that "now what" feeling.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 4 months ago

Another generic fps? You're talking about Duke Nukem Forever, right?

Zaron 14 years, 4 months ago

I just finally got into FPS games this console gen. because they started using colors besides gray and being set somewhere besides freakin' WW2 landmarks. That and their mechanics finally evolved beyond what they've basically been since Wolfenstein…

I guess now it's all WW2 and SPACE MARINES! Because we got tired of WW2 but not generic-ass soldiers.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 4 months ago

You must have never played this magnificent game called Unreal Tournament 2004 Zaron.

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago


I've had it for about a year. It's pretty weird. Only $5, too.

It has co-op too. You can eat your partner's ass if you both get cut in half. So you can control your head and your partner's ass, and vice versa.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

@ 1:00

Lol physics

Zaron 14 years, 4 months ago

@Eva I've not. The PS3 also marks the first time I've started wandering into online space much at all, save a couple minor and short-lived experiences beforehand. Not being particularly good at FPS games has made me wary of them, but having just started BioShock's the other night, I've found it fairly entertaining, granted if anyone kills me in a match, it'll be that person that kills me the next ten times too. :x