Aimless Poetry Systems

Posted by The Avatrol on Nov. 30, 2010, 5:34 p.m.

I've created yet another compilation of music.

Enjoy my eleco-trash, digi-tracks, idm, what have you:

Aimless Poetry Systems

Influences include:

glitchy vst plugins

digital distortion


super high frequencies

ambient melodies

saw waves



sine waves


and lots of boredom

Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think.

You can download all the tracks free. I have them in .ogg format if anybody is interested.


The Avatrol 14 years, 2 months ago

Oh by the way, you can stream each individual track in their entirety. You have to click on the text of the song name itself. it will bring you to a page specific to that song. click the play button and it will stream the entire song. if you click the play button from the album page it will only play the 30 second sample (yeah, is retarded that way).

Quietus 14 years, 2 months ago

oh cool, you saved me some confusion then. i'll try to go through it tonight and tell you what i think =)

Quietus 14 years, 2 months ago

i like a few songs like Drop and Touching Angels but most of them sound like b-sides.. too loosely structured for me to latch onto anything, but then again i've never been really that into Aphex Twin type stuff.

and some of the tracks i would have liked like Sector 2 and The Worst Dream i couldn't take the high frequencies, but admittedly i've sort of fried that part of my hearing with my own music..

The Avatrol 14 years, 2 months ago

To be honest with you, many of the songs could have been much better. I realize there are parts where the rhythm sort of looses focus. i decided rather than going back and manually moving the notes to leave it be. there are however no sounds or noises that aren't quantized to at least 1/32 beats per measure. theoretically, it is musically sound, but it that doesn't make it automatically good.

I hope everybody continues to listen to my stuff and give it a chance regardless. there is no finish line for me, and i record this stuff for the joy of the music, the creation, and as a learning experience. i upload the music in hopes that people like hel do give me constructive criticism and feedback which I always keep in mind while honing my skills.

Are you using a good pair of headphones? I use a lot of high frequencies and low bass frequencies that play off of each other. Basically, it will sound like shit with a pair of ipod headphones or shitty computer speakers, but will make more sense with some nice headphones or some nice monitors.

I actually had a big learning curve jump a couple nights ago by discovering some integral elements that I was previously lost on. I'm doing much more real-time editing, and final mixing, and I'm always adjusting my ear to better perfect the equalization and volumes of the mix.

I promise to go over the drums with a fine tooth comb, tighten up the rhythms and have some overall better mixed stuff for you guys in the future.


Quietus 14 years, 2 months ago

i have good headphones, it's more of the way the music flows over time than how it sounds in any particular moment (i actually use similar sounding synths a lot). i'm still trying to perfect the flow of my own music, making it go through the right amount of ideas without spending too much or too little time on anything in particular, etc etc, i had to basically go through a stage of writing a bunch of stuff i'd never share before i found that "sound" that i wanted.

don't know why you abandoned using your voice either, some of the tracks might just be missing something to hold it all together. i'm actually holding off releasing an album until i can make sure i have vocals that fit to at least a few songs, since i'd rather not add another instrumental album into the collective unconscious lol.

The Avatrol 14 years, 2 months ago

it's a funny thing. i once stated on this very site that i was prejudice against songs without vocals, but lately I've been getting into listening to tracks and really losing myself in the instruments. even stuff that i once felt was boring is holding my attention more. I agree with you on the repetitiveness. i tend to write songs that follow one grove for a really long time, and then switch up for a dramatic ending. it does have its effect, but you're right.

I haven't abandoned my voice. This is just a side project really. Something I enjoy doing. I want to master the art of acid/dance/idm type music.

I need a new direction with my other stuff. This gives me an opportunity to do something different, look at thing from a new perspective, and take a break from what eventually became me lifelessly pumping out songs.