
Posted by The Avatrol on Feb. 28, 2011, 9:25 a.m.

My latest album


Let me know what you think!


Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

seeing this was my "oh shit dude!" moment of the morning. lol :P

listening now.. love the acid sounds. deep down you feel is definitely one of your best ever. some of the high pitched sounds hurt my ears.. like tracks 3 and 5. pace of reason is incredible. autofix sounds too much like Jabberwock's stuff to me though lmao. i think skeletal druid 13 is my favorite, i wish the other songs expressed as many ideas as this one. boss 11 couldn't be closer to what i've been trying to get at in terms of tempo, really nice acid effect in this one. return home is just epic. alchemy is definitely where it all comes together though, excellent closer. all in all your most concise and best arranged work yet! :)

The Avatrol 13 years, 11 months ago

Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy you feel that this project is a step forward, it's become an addiction of mine to work on these tunes constantly and I felt for once that this was a clear step forward. boss 11 is at 155 bpm and the crazy arp sequence consists of a series of 16th notes. The tones leading up to the change in skeletal druid is something i've been working on and trying to pinpoint. it's difficult, but this was probably my most success go at it yet. the trick is to have the melody distorted and colored with noise just enough for it to sound raw and exciting, but not so much as to sound muddy and without melody. i have trouble with this effect because it never sounds the same when i switch to different speakers or headphones. the album as a whole will sound better with a pair of earbuds, sounding more "up front" and cutting out some of the low end muddiness.

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

yeah i haven't been able to use headphones/earbuds lately, but this and your last album came through great on my laptop speakers, as balanced as one could ever hope for, you've definitely got mixing down way better than i do :P yeah skeletal druid is definitely the one place where the high tones work without overwhelming me physically, gives me that Silent Hill vibe then hits me with that fucking gangster break at 1:30, it's like "word." a lot of my most favorite songs are the first i start and the last i finish in a collection, i dunno if you're the same way lol.

The Avatrol 13 years, 11 months ago

yeah it's interesting, i used to be the same, but lately the pattern seems to be if i can get really excited about something I'm working on and finish it in one sitting, it comes out the best. Also, the last song i work on before i decide to release a project tends to be the best of them. I'll usually write a song that I feel is far better than all the others, include it with the product, and move on to do something else. Otherwise, I'm tempted to disregard all the other songs and I'd never put anything out! :)

The skeletal druid had a really interesting writing process. That one crazy bit that comes in and tricks you out at :35 was actually like 3 minutes of work, but it clashed with the rest of the song so I decided to just put a snippet of it in to sort of throw the listener off and just add a general weirdness to the track.

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

yeah, i always have to have that one song or moment that goes over the edge, all the other songs are important to get there but when i get that one song it's like telling me "okay this collection is worth releasing". i usually visualize it as riding a spiral, every song i write gets closer to that sound in my head but in the end there can only be one song in the middle :P

you should try posting some of these over on 8bitcollective, now that i think about it skeletal druid reminds me of a lot of the songs that get really popular over there. ^_^

The Avatrol 13 years, 11 months ago

hmmm, but it's not chiptunes, does it matter?

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

nah i've heard tracks on there that are miles away from belonging on any chiptune site haha. they allow more than strict 8bit, there's a lot of chiptune-meets-heavier beat oriented stuff. a lot of your tracks would fit in, definitely the more accessible ones like pace of reason. the only thing about them, i forgot, is they only let you post on the front page once a week, which bugged me. so be careful which song you pick :P

Cesque 13 years, 11 months ago

I'm somewhere halfway through and liking it so far (seeing how I didn't just skip through any of the songs ;)) And I liked the "transition" between tracks 2 and 3.