Posted by The Avatrol on March 23, 2011, 10:48 p.m.
Skip ahead to 2:10This was so epic in my ears, I just had to share!Unfortunately his cable comes unplugged at 4:40, because it is such an epic build up.
Fuck that, I watched all of it :PWaiting for someone to point how that is technically impossible since I made this comment 6 minutes after Avatrol's blog and the vid is 10 minutes long.
Am I see seeing things? And if I am, why do they have to be lame things like blog post times in some alien timezone and not something beautiful like unicorns? ;_;
Bullshit, that's impossible. Your comment was made 6 minutes after the blog itself, and the video is 10 minutes long, therefore, unless you played the video at 1.67x normal speed, you could not possibly have watched the entire thing. QED.
If we could see the blog's post time, that might be true, Cesque. Under these conditions though, I think you'll be waiting a very long time.
Cesque, you're hallucinating. That label isn't really there.
Now you see for yourself that nobody really looks at that.GUYS IT'S OKAY WE WERE JUST STUCK IN A TIME WARP.
You sir just won 10 internets.