Pure Pwnage just came out in the last few hours!
The 13th episode of Pure Pwnage!
Edit: I've now watched it :D its awesome!
Chess - OnlineI have made a little progress, now there is a lobby IRC server thing :D which eliminates the need to know someone's IP address.
Single player is still in the works, but I am still unsure if it will be in the final release. it depends if I complete it or not XD.
EntityI have made half of a barter system for my RPG, Entity.
So far, you can buy items from the NPCs, just not sell items back :P.
Also I have d/l the RMXP resources pack, and now the item icons look way better! Also I am thinking of refurbishing the trees and maybe even the characters…
SchoolIt was my 1st week at school this week for the 2nd term.
It was great fun meeting up with all my friends,and guess what? Two tests and an English essay due in next Friday! Yay!
NewgroundsI have recently been looking at flash movies on newgrounds, and some of them are hilarious!
Dad's HomeThat is my favorite one so far :D
Thanks for reading
-Theodore III
I haven't watched the episode yet, because it is late at night here and I'm going to bed, but ill watch it when I get up tomorrow :D
XD @ Dad's Home
XD @ Dad's Home
Rocking out really hard gets you out of crime? XDwoot! PP is out! :D
LOL the NG flash animations are hilarious! XD
"Look Timmy! Your blood is soooo sweet!" -Mr Happy FaceYes, but I didn't include that one in the blog XD
That first strip is… Just sad :'(
But second one with beer: Hilarious! Haha. Just like me ;DHey, if you have not seen that yet, you should look for "Metal Gear Awesome". That's funny as hell :DI'll have a look, thanks
Making onlineChess,eh?Well,good to know that before I even start
Well, I haven't worked on it for a while, school, exams now, Starcraft, all those distractions :P. Hopefully I will be able to start it again soon. :D