Tu Puta

Posted by Theonlywonderboy on Dec. 13, 2006, 11:44 a.m.

Rarw stupid Ctrl+W. killed my whole blog. To used to it being a short key on my computer -_-.

Well know I really don’t want to retype my entire blog so let's just go over what I did type in a short review

1. Snakeman in real life doesn’t deal with pain well. I mostly cause it

2. Resident Evil 4 is an awesome game… and parasites will eat off YOU FACE

3.Chiodos is an awesome band end of story

4. Still no ideas for a game. Don’t think it will ever happed

5. The title is Spanish and I'm sure someone will point out what it means [:P]

This is probably to short but whatever. Still ahead of Snakeman in blogs now lol


frenchcon1 17 years, 11 months ago