More Like Mass "Erect", amiright?

Posted by Theonlywonderboy on Nov. 30, 2008, 10:04 p.m.

So in response to my last blog, GOOD JOB! Sure it was mostly spam but hey, 27 comments it 27 comments. Who am I to argue with that?

Quote: Juju
Oh come off it, 5 comments is plenty enough. Up until very, very recently I'd only ever get a handful.
I guess I'm just used to how things used to be. Plus I was just begin satirical. I don't really think I diverse more comments because I'm full of myself or anything.

So this past Thursday was Thanksgiving and it went pretty well. Got up early and played football with a bunch of guys from my dad's work. Then some random guys who were looking for games they could play in showed up. A couple of them even play collage ball for West Virgina. I was like the youngest there so I got pretty roughed up. I'm not out of shape but physically gifted I am not. Then the rest of the day was spent playing Mass Effect which I had just recently purchased specifically to keep me occupied while I was at my dad's and just sorta relaxing. Dinner was good, we had steak instead of turkey. It was really good and I had had turkey at some "pre-thanksgiving" family get together so it was a nice change of pace. Then after that I got picked up and went home around 7. Then at around 8:45 my friends picked me up and took me to their house. We just talked until like 12 and then we decided to get a few hours of sleep before we went out for Black Friday.

So next thing I know I'm being woken up at 3:30 A.M. We then proceed to go to stand in line at Best Buy for an hour in the cold and no one bought anything. To sum it up in a few words, It was fun but I probably won't do it again anytime soon. I'm sorta coping out on explaining the entire day cause I'm tired and I want to occupy myself with something other then spelling out my week. Later that day i went to my dad's again and the weekend consisted of putting up Christmas decoration, playing Mass Effect and Call of Duty 4.

Speaking of Call of Duty 4, the other night I tried to complete one of the hardest achievements I have ever attempted. The Mile High Club Achievement has you completing the epilogue mission on Veteran difficulty. Now this means you have 1:00 minute to survive a level filled with enemies that can kill you in 3 shots on a level that takes just about a minute to complete. Talk about frustrating, I mean I wanted to slit my wrists because I was so angry. I eventually beat it, took me like an hour and a half.

Well anyway my attention span runs short so I'm gonna end it here. I'll probably talk about my experiencing with Mass Effect more in depth in my next blog, but it short it's pretty damn fun.



OBELISK 16 years, 2 months ago


Snakeman 16 years, 2 months ago

During Black Friday I was awake as well, except I was in my room, fapping all night. I'm so lonely.

frenchcon1 16 years, 2 months ago

you have 1:00 minute to survive a level filled with enemies that can kill you in 3 shots on a level that takes just about a minute to complete.

[deleted user] 16 years, 2 months ago

I eventually beat it, took me like an hour and a half.
It's Veteran difficulty for a reason.

flashback 16 years, 2 months ago


Cesar 16 years, 2 months ago

Call of Duty 4 isn't nearly as awesome as Gears of War 2 :D

Kenon 16 years, 2 months ago

No shit Rawrspoon, GoW2 came out after it.

And CoD5 is already out.