A Blog Post: By OnlyWonderBoy

Posted by Theonlywonderboy on May 28, 2009, 5:29 p.m.

Man did I pick a good time to try and reboot my activeness here a 64 a couple months back. I made a hand full of blog posts, got lazy for a week or so and next thing i know i come back and the whole damn site is down…plus it took me to Meatspin once, that was traumatizing.

Anyway I suppose I'll try and become an active blogger again as it was in the old days. To be honest I sorta miss the community here. I miss flashchat and then the subsequent MSN conversations after flashchat was brutality taken down in a vicious manner. Yes i know there's irc, but Firefox won't open it and it's still not the same. I'm sure sure flashback will be on my ass again simply by mentioning flashchat. Anyway if you're from 64 and you're willing to hit me up my MSN is th3onlywonderboy@hotmail.com

Anyway it's pointless to recap everything that's happened between my last blog as it would simply take up to much time. But I will give a quick synopsis that is in no particular order.

1. Persona 4 is my favorite JRPG I've ever player (more to come in a later blog)

2. Persona 3 is pretty sweet too, but not as sweet

3. Sly Cooper still kicks ass even after all these years.

4. Mass Effect was great fun.

5. High School is my bitch

6. I finally got my driver's license.

So that's about it for now. I hope to keep you guys up to date and be prepared for my Persona blog, it should be quite interesting.

P.S. Also bring back the motherfuckin RPG


Theonlywonderboy 15 years, 7 months ago

95% of the rpg code is gone, the database is intact though.
Well then it could just be remade to something even better. Like the same code but with more bad ass stuff.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 7 months ago

#3. Hell yes.

hi theonlywonderboy

Well then it could just be remade to something even better. Like the same code but with more bad ass stuff.
No, only stuff like people's health and weapons is still working, but the whole game would have to be made from scratch.

I say make a simple GM game with 64D's database.