Habbo Hated? And I'm a DJ

Posted by Theonlywonderboy on July 24, 2006, 10:27 p.m.

Well I have wondered why that the slight mention of habbo makes people here grimace in fear or something like that. After mentioning the site JakeX lost all (even though he did't have any) respect for me. I was wondering why this is. I don't see any problem with the game but it seems to be a death word here. Anyway now I'm realy glad that the reputation stars are gone. Also I am now an internet DJ for a website. I would plug it but it's habbo related so It would be ripped and destroyed. Back on subject why is habbo so hated around here?


retrosity 16 years, 6 months ago

Quoting Post 5:

M8, thats the best thing I've ever heard said in this last 7 years of my life. War is pointless. I learnt about it in history in 3rd highschool year, Makes me wanna destroy government!