[Chloe]Progress and Simler

Posted by Tizabet on Oct. 27, 2009, 10:23 p.m.

Caelis Alteris, the sequel to Caelis, is coming along nicely. The sound system is getting more and more robust, and I've started moving forward into texture generation. But sadly, I wrote a hundred or so lines without testing, only to discover you can't compare arguments directly. I don't remember that ever being an issue before, but it threw an error complaining about it, so now I have to dig through it all and compensate for that. Also, some sounds are really hard to approximate with math. Or in other words, guitars have weird harmonics. It's hard to get something that sounds natural. Once I have them though… Not sure how I'm gonna handle music. It's one thing to generate a bunch of tiny wav files, but rendering whole songs in GML? SLOOOOOW. So I think I'll have to "play" the song in realtime. But you can only pitch bend about 50% in either direction, so I'll need multiple copies of each instrument at different note ranges. That and if there's a framerate hiccup, the music will hiccup along with it. And more importantly… I don't really know how to write music, lol.

On an unrelated front, I signed up for a new-ish social networking site called Simler. It's kinda neat, and weirdly addicting. It's sorta like Twitter, except you post to tags, and you gather tags yourself so it can suggest people you actually have common interests with. Makes breaking the ice a lot easier. Go to http://www.simler.com/user/Tizabet/ for my profile there. But watch out. Once you start seeking out tags, it's hard to stop. :P


Ferret 15 years, 4 months ago

Sounds cool (and difficult), and the Tizabet simler sounds like a good idea, I'll have to check that out.

edit: lol I don't know why I said your user name.

mesenberg 15 years, 4 months ago

wow that site simler or whatever is really cool ^_^ thx for showin me that

Unaligned 15 years, 4 months ago

200GB worth of wallpapers?!

Also, instead of having to write songs in GML, you could go for something like this. I don't really know if it uses procedural generation, but the 'music' it's got is generated on the go.

Tizabet 15 years, 4 months ago

Yup, totalling well over 600 thousand of them. What can I say, I love wallpapers. :)

Wow, that music is… not very musical. But yeah, it looks like it's generating the instruments and then combining them in real time.

I hadn't even considered doing the composing in real time, but that could actually be kinda cool. Hmm… Thank you for inspiration! :D

Alert Games 15 years, 4 months ago

Im not a fan of twitter so i probably wouldnt like simler ;)

yeah GM is slow in general. ..mostly ;)

Juju 15 years, 4 months ago

And more importantly… I don't really know how to write music, lol.
I'm sure somebody here could help you. There are a quite a few musicians around.

OL 15 years, 4 months ago

Sounds cool, I want to see what you come up with after seeing how impressive Caelis was!

Amarin 15 years, 1 month ago

Whoa, a sequel to Caelis!? The original was great. If you need someone to help with writing music, I can offer a hand.