[Chloe]Just how long...

Posted by Tizabet on Oct. 30, 2009, 11:13 p.m.

About You~ Just how long has everyone been here? Looking at my old account, it seems I originally signed up on February 20th, 2006, and while I remember a few people from then, like Melee-Master and Ludamad, most of you are totally unfamiliar to me. So I just wondered if any of you have taken on a new name like myself. (If you knew me back in the day, you would probably remember me as TaleriaKNT, or possibly Xemrel.)

Caelis Alteris' Progress~ None. I've gotten sidetracked watching trough all of Smallville and fighting with nLite. But I'm past the half way mark in the show, so another few days and back to work. :P Well, okay, it's not that I've done NOTHING, but none of it's really visible. Just cleaning internal things up so the rest goes easier.

Gameplay Question~ How do you feel about controlling something complicated? Prefer many buttons with single function, or a few buttons that can be combined in complicated ways? What if combos require special timing: Is this cool/fun, or just frustrating to you?


frenchcon1 15 years, 4 months ago


Josea 15 years, 4 months ago

Back then I was called gml_josea

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 4 months ago

Back then I had lots of name changes (in order):


dabridge (current)




dabridge (back)


dabridge (back again)

Aha, I'm so original.

I'm afraid I don't recognize you, sorry. :/

Alert Games 15 years, 3 months ago

Back then I was called gml_josea
lol forgot about that one