OK recently my school had the annual film fest, we racked up more than 2 hours of video and 15 great movies. here is one of the movies, just go to the link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqccS6sa0uEsearch on you tube for the other half. We had some great movies so i just thought id share that with you!Here's a trailer for the movie there making now, Allister and Nate are hilarious guyshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK3BwRqpZbM&NR=1This is a ideo from the fest that a guy i know did, its kind of confusing but pm me if you want me to explain it, this is only the first halfhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGAzdqJTJsoVE DAY! Well, today is the 62nd anniversary of the end of WWII! VE day stands for Victory in Europe day.Exactly 62 years ago the allies declared the war over, 7 days after Hitler committed suicide. This was the day after the German officials surrendered Just a reminder never to forget those who served and suffered!DON'T CLICK HEREhttp://www.mindistortion.net/iwantyoursoul/?i_am=TmanatarAnd if you wish to join my twisted army click herehttp://www.mindistortion.net/winthewar/?myleader=2