Toadsanime Update No.1 - Hi! ^.^

Posted by Toadsanime on March 29, 2008, 7:14 p.m.

Hi there! As you may or may not of noticed, I've only just joined this lovely little community here, so, greetings! ^_^ I'll probably be here for a long while yet, but I sometimes end up naturally forgetting about places once I've been away from them for a while D:

However, this page is listed in my favourites, so I doubt that'll happen. Yet… O_o

Anyway, this entry was really only to introduce myself and to say 'I'm here!'

So far, I've really liked what I've seen here. There's been many Indie Freeware games that I've downloaded and loved of which isn't found on other Indie game sites, so I thank you all for the entertain you've shared among us so far ^_-

Anyway, lastly, just in case you're a member of deviantART, my name is also 'Toadsanime' on there. My blog/journal on my userpage ( is updated much more frequently than this one shall. Thanks again and see ya' around!


Polystyrene Man 16 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits, mmmmkay?

Toadsanime 16 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for all the greeting notes so far, it's very kind of you. I'll remember to leave my sanity in the red box, but if anyone plans on stealing it all hell will break loose. D:

As for Canadonian, I'm guessing this user doesn't login much then…? I've heard of that name before, but I can't quite remember why.

@Kilin: High-five to decent grammar! ^_^

And since you all keep watering/feeding the ChIkEn, I may as well do the same; so long as you know that that's gonna' become one FAT ChIkEn! :O

Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

Welcome To 64Digits!

Enjoy your stay okay?