TA Update No.3

Posted by Toadsanime on May 24, 2008, 8:55 a.m.

Just thought it'd be suitable for me to make a new journal entry, since my last one was made some time ago.

I'm aware that most people don't know who I am here yet, and that's understandable. However, I've been commenting on both old and new games here, so you might notice me if you comment on new submissions, too.

For starters, I should tell you that I haven't made any games before. Ever. And I've never tried, and I probably won't try anytime soon. I want to learn how to make them at some point, due to that I have so many ideas for games, but I'd rather focus on other things right now. I'm happy just playing other people's games - that way I get a more varied form of entertainment.

My last two entries didn't tell you much about myself, so I'll go ahead and expand on it now. First of all, you may of noticed my vocabulary is of average quality, something of which isn't found very often on the internet anymore. Yay for me! *ends slightly big-headed moment, realising I'm not that great*

Uh… yes, anyway, I should probably mention that I'm gay, too. Just thought it deserved a mention - oh, and that I'm merely 15. *small violin solo*

As for several of my favourite games, I find it appropriate to mention just the Freeware ones for now:

The Power, SOUTH, Cave Story, Glace, Dink Smallwood, Voxelstein 3D, Soldexus, Stepmania, Plasma Warrior, Butterfly 660, Albero And The Great Blue Emblem, A Mini Falafel Adventure, Knytt Stories, Death Worm, An Untitled Story, Abuse…

…ugh, and loads more. I have over 1000 games on my PC that are all freeware, and are all good ones. The less decent ones don't stay on my PC, so… yeah. :P

I really have nothing left to say. I'm not even techincally sure why I decided to make another pointless blog entry. Oh well. If you happen to have an account on www.deviantart.com, feel free to add me. My username is Toadsanime there, too. (toadsanime.deviantart.com has more frequent/detailed blog entries)

Bye for now all, and good luck with all your projects and stuff. :D


OBELISK 16 years, 9 months ago

Him, Lethal, and I.

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

Dum dum dum.


Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@Polystyrene Man - Yeah, lol, thanks. It's nice for the advice, but I don't really need support right now. I'm perfectly fine at the moment :D

@PY - *high fives* Thanks, I appreciate it, you're cool too. I'd be more active, but currently I only have the internet on weekends. ¬_¬ That sucks.

@Obelisk - 'Him, Lethal and I'…? O_o

@SquareWheel - Yup. ^_^

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

@Obelisk - 'Him, Lethal and I'…? O_o
Read messages 19 and 21, and try again.

I'd have to agree with Biggs on the fact that your still pretty young, and could definitely still be figuring your sexuality out.

Either way, it's nice to see when new members use proper sentence structure and dun speke liek tis.

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

I was thinking about that the other day. There are only a few kids in my highschool who are openly gay, in about 1500 kids. It must really be difficult to find a mate, especially at such an age.

Tasm 16 years, 9 months ago

By the way, don't ever edit my posts.

Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@SquareWheel - Oh… right, I see. And yeah, I guess I am still pretty young, but I have thought about it for a long time and I'm very sure that this is the way I am. And yes, it's not very common to see people who actually type coherently on the internet these days.

@George - Well, thanks for accepting me. I realise that being in a relationship will be more difficult this way, but it's something I'm willing to live with. I'd rather be myself rather then pretend to be something I'm not just for the sake of modern society. ^_^ Thanks for your concern, though. :D

@SquareWheel - In my school, I'm the ONLY openly gay kid. There's a number of people who are bisexual, and some people that are accussed of being gay, but that's really it. Finding someone to be with is, admittedly, very awkward.

@Zipper Head - I guess you meant the 'sarcasm' bits that Obel added in…?

username 16 years, 9 months ago

If you're gay.. does that mean you don't care about girls as much, or find them intersting at all :(

Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@username - It means I'm not attracted to them, as in I would never go out with one. However, the majority of my friends are girls. I get along better with them… >_>