[TA Update 5] - Tsiletah

Posted by Toadsanime on June 3, 2008, 6:37 a.m.

Ha, ha. My title is 'Hatelist' backwards. Aren't I a funny/original guy…? ¬_¬

Anyway, even if I did want to do a hatelist/lovelist, I haven't been on 64D long enough to judge anyone as of yet. Besides, everyone here seems pretty cool, in my opinion. Go you!

Oh, and sorry for my previous blog entry. I know that most of you didn't have your brain eaten, but for the ones that did, I promise I'll get you a new one… somehow.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out here relatively soon. I've already pre-ordered mine, so I'll be getting it on its release date. I have very high hopes for it.

And what's with the recent outburst of blogs…? You normally could still see your blog on the list a month later, but now there's a new full list each day. I only get internet on weekends, and occasionally about an hour of it at school, so I don't have enough time to comment them all.

Also, I'm curious as to see what your favourite Freeware games are, whether they're from 64D or not. I've played a hell of a lot of freeware games, so I've probably heard of most of them… if not, I'd love to check them out.

My favourites are The Power, SOUTH, Cave Story, Glace, Dink Smallwood, Voxelstein 3D, Soldexus, Stepmania, Plasma Warrior, Butterfly 660, Albero And The Great Blue Emblem, A Mini Falafel Adventure, Knytt Stories, Death Worm, An Untitled Story, Abuse, Chaos World DX, Mr.Blocko STE, 1213, Seiklus, Painajainen, Ahriman's Prophecy, Ark 22, RunMan, Duty And Beyond, Karoshi, Ikachan… etc. There's too many. Oh, and 'Abandoned Loneliness' is looking good, I guess. It still needs to be finished off and fixed up a bit, but I'm sure it'll be great. ^_^

Anyway, have a good month, and I'll speak to you later. (By speak, I mean reply in the form of comments, since this is the internet.)

P.S - Does anyone think a sequel to 'The Power' would rock…? Yeah.



Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@Dom - My Wii hasn't got Wi-Fi anyway, so the online thing doesn't phase me. The extra stages/characters etc. look very positive.

username 16 years, 9 months ago

I looked at your deviantart page. 'Twas interesting :)

I'm not a member there yet.

mrmediocrity 16 years, 9 months ago


Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@username- Thanksfor viewing it, anyhow. If you ever join, please say so.

@Mrmediocrity - Hi. I don't believe I've actually even said hi to you before… >_>

mrmediocrity 16 years, 9 months ago


Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@Mrmediocrity - Yes, very 'heh'. :D